v-easy-swiper is a vue plugin which based on vue.js and css3.It expressed a easier principle to compare with other similar plugins.Of course, it has a little disadvantages to wait you to discovry and update it with me.
# install plugin
npm install
# run example
npm run dev
# NPM下载
npm install v-easy-swiper
* 全局引入
import Vue from 'vue'
import EasySwiper from 'v-easy-swiper'
Vue.use(EasySwiper, {})
// Alse you can choose origin html
<template lang="jade">
swiper(:images="swiperSrcs" v-bind:size="imgSize" v-on:clickimg="click_img")
* component config
import a from 'images/1.jpg'
import b from 'images/2.jpg'
import c from 'images/3.jpg'
export default {
data () {
return {
swiperSrcs: [
{src: a},
{src: b},
{src: c}
imgSize: {
width: 520,
height: 280
methods: {
* current image click event
click_img: function (index) {
console.log('current image index is:' + index)