what's poppin' in my airspace? arduino map to display wx for the US
- Set up config.json file to map an LED id to an IATA code
- In firmware, pull config.json to map to LEDs
- Pull + store METAR every 5mins for all configured
- Implement single display mode
- Extend display modes for all attributes w/ mapping
- Ceiling
- Visibility
- Temperature
- Wind
- Set up Web UI
- Mode selection
- LED/IATA mapping
AviationWeather.gov is an unauthenticated dataserver that is used by nearly every FAA-based API, so it will be easiest to use that. https://www.aviationweather.gov/adds/dataserver_current/httpparam?dataSource=metars&requestType=retrieve&format=xml&hoursBeforeNow=3&mostRecentForEachStation=true&stationString=KORD,KJFK,KLAX
Ideally, this project will allow the configuration of any US-based IATA code. This is beneficial because users will be able to choose any FAA VFR sectional map and place their LEDs in custom locations, even aside from Class C/B.
config.json is a default configuration file for the NEUS map. Should the web interface be unconfigured, this will be the fallback option. The current schema for this JSON object is simply 'LEDnum': 'IATA code'.