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Hexo Example

This directory is a brief example of a Hexo site that can be deployed to Vercel with zero configuration.

Deploy Your Own

Deploy your own Hexo project with Replit.( NOT RECOMMENDED !)

Run on

Deploy your own Hexo project with Replit Education:

将以下代码粘贴至Replit Shell后回车

Copy code blow to Replit Shell then Enter

git clone && mv -b hexoonreplit/* ./ && mv -b hexoonreplit/.[^.]* ./ && rm -rf *~ && rm -rf hexoonreplit

当加载完 Loading Nix environment... 后点击绿色 ▶ Run

When Loaded Nix environment... then click RUN bottom

How We Created This Example

To get started with Hexo for deployment with Vercel, you can use the Hexo CLI to initialize the project:

$ hexo init project-name