🍂 There is no leaves are alike in the world, but model can.
A Model Diff Tools.
Blog: https://www.jianshu.com/p/93bf18bc46b3
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url = uri("https://jitpack.io") }// add this line.
app.build.gradle.kts:lastVersion = xxx {see Releases}
// or kotlin use kapt
init in application:
// The attributes of the annotation tag will be used for comparison.
open class XxModel {
var id: Long = 0
var name: String? = null
// can defining aliases, o1 is key of payload.
var count = 0
// can defining aliases
var valid = false
// support attribute penetration
var yy: YyModel? = null
// when it compare XxModel, it also compare XxModel.yy (YyModel)
class YyModel {
var id: Long = 0
var title: String? = null
// no comparison
var zz = false
// support extends
class ZzModel : XxModel() {
var zzz = false
Use DiffUtil
. For example write a Diffmodelcallback
class DiffModelCallback<M : IVhModelType> : DiffUtil.ItemCallback<M>() {
private val helper = DiffModelHelper()
fun getHelper(): DiffModelHelper = helper
fun bindNewData(bindObj: Any, newModel: M) {
helper.bindNewData(bindObj, newModel)
override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItem: M, newItem: M): Boolean {
return helper.isSameItem(oldItem, newItem)
override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItem: M, newItem: M): Boolean {
return helper.isSameContent(oldItem, newItem)
override fun getChangePayload(oldItem: M, newItem: M): Any? {
return helper.getPayload(oldItem, newItem)
Use in RecyclerView.Adapter
. Please use androidx.recyclerview.widget.ListAdapter
which integrates DiffUtil
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: BindingViewHolder, position: Int, payloads: MutableList<Any>) {
val payload = payloads.firstOrNull() as? Payload
if (payload != null && payload.isEmpty.not()) {
// do local refresh according to payload.
val newAttr = payload.getString("key", "xxx")
holder.itemView.tv.text = newAttr
} else {
super.onBindViewHolder(holder, position, payloads)
// after onBindViewHolder.
callback.bindNewData(holder, getItem(position))
// or callback.bindNewData(holder.itemView, getItem(position))
is a Diffmodelcallback
see wzmyyj/FeAdapter