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Kind Cluster Bootstrap + GitOps - Used for Local Kubernetes Development and Testing


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Software engineers at ETHR previously used a variation of the following project as a playground for software development, automation testing, research, and for demonstrating proof-of-concepts.

This playground was the motivation behind establishing x-ethr and its related open-source repositories.


The following project requires an expansive amount of knowledge around development, kubernetes, and overall systems. While the guide can be followed step-by-step to produce a fully functioning cluster, there are requirements that would otherwise be challenging for beginners to 1. understand, 2. setup, 3. debug.

If requirements are correctly met, the entirety of this project can be deployed in under five minutes by simply following the usage section.

Users of local-kubernetes-playground will involve themselves in the following disciplines:

  • Software Engineering
  • DevOps
  • Systems Administration
  • GitOps
  • Databases
  • Security


The Playground's Deployed Service Mesh




Usage, requirements, and documentation was vetted on a Mac Studio, M1 Max 2022 on MacOS, Sonoma 14.5. Other systems are likely subject to incompatibilities.




During the first minute or two, there may be a few warnings that surface. Due to Kubernetes reconciliation, all errors should resolve by minute three or four.

  1. Setup a local load-balancer (within its own private terminal session).
    go install
    sudo install "$(go env --json | jq -r ".GOPATH")/bin/cloud-provider-kind" /usr/local/bin
    sudo cloud-provider-kind
  2. Create a cluster via kind.
    kind create cluster --config "configuration.yaml"
    kubectl config set-context "$(printf "%s-kind" "kind")"
  3. Verify connectivity to the cluster.
    • If using OpenLens, select the kind-kind context.
  4. Bootstrap.
    flux bootstrap github --repository "" \
        --owner "x-ethr" \
        --private "false" \
        --personal "false" \
        --path "clusters/local" \
        --components-extra image-reflector-controller,image-automation-controller \
  5. Sync local cluster repository's vendors.
    git submodule update --remote --recursive
  6. Add kustomization.yaml to new cluster directory (only applicable during first-time cluster setup).
    cat << EOF > ./vendors/cluster-management/clusters/local/kustomization.yaml
    kind: Kustomization
    resources: []
  7. Optionally, update the Kustomization.flux-system.spec.interval (changes each time a local cluster is bootstrapped).
  8. Push local changes to vendors submodules.
    git submodule foreach "git add . && git commit --message \"Git Submodule Update(s)\" && git push -u origin HEAD:main" 
  9. Start the local registry.
    bash ./scripts/registry.bash
  10. Wait for the various resources to reconcile successfully.
  11. Initialize the kubernetes gateway and primary development resource(s).
    kubectl apply --kustomize ./applications
  12. Deploy all service(s).
    make -C ./applications
    • Note: the Makefile targets in the ./applications directory will version bump all services, and requires a running container registry: localhost:5050.


The following command will port-forward the gateway's configured port 80 and expose it on localhost:8080.

kubectl port-forward --namespace development services/api-gateway-istio 8080:80
Network Traffic

In order to view tracing and network traffic, issue the following command(s):

for i in $(seq 1 250); do
    curl "http://localhost:8080/v1/test-service-1"
    curl "http://localhost:8080/v1/test-service-2"
    curl "http://localhost:8080/v1/test-service-2/alpha"
    curl "http://localhost:8080/v1/authentication"

The following command will expose the kiali service and open a browser to its dashboard.

istioctl dashboard kiali
Tracing (Jaeger)

The following command will expose the jaeger service and open a browser to its dashboard.

istioctl dashboard jaeger
Istio & istoctl

Useful istoctl command(s)

kubectl -n istio-system logs --since=1h istiod-6bc5bc58b4-wvhmc --follow

Useful kubectl command(s)


kubectl --namespace caching logs --since=10m services/redis --follow

Useful redis-cli command(s)


Add consumer to consumer group

xadd demo-stream * name john email [email protected]
xadd demo-stream * tom [email protected]


Please see the Contributing Guide file for additional details.



Restart the Istio API Gateway Deployment

External Reference(s)