This is a plugin to the govuk-prototype-kit which adds an in-browser editor.
This works with the GOV.UK Prototype Kit v13.0.0 and above.
This is a beta product, we know that improvements need making and we'd like your feedback.
If you want to have the editor on some pages but not others you can turn the editor off for by adding this near the top of your page:
window.XGOVUK = window.XGOVUK || {}
window.XGOVUK.editPrototypeInBrowser = window.XGOVUK.editPrototypeInBrowser || {}
window.XGOVUK.editPrototypeInBrowser.doNotEditThisPage = true
Currently the editor shows when you're running on localhost but not on other domains, if you want it to work on different domains you can add them like this:
window.XGOVUK = window.XGOVUK || {}
window.XGOVUK.editPrototypeInBrowser = window.XGOVUK.editPrototypeInBrowser || {}
window.XGOVUK.editPrototypeInBrowser.allowedDomains = ['', '']