Releases: x-team/GamesHQ-API
TowerStatictics update
Thi release solves an annoying issue. Now every time you finish a round your progress will be save only if it is better than the previous one
Add Missing migrations into production
Merge pull request #73 from x-team/develop Merge Main For missing migrations
The Tower Statistics
This release adds a new way to visualize the scoreboard and also better variables to actually have a leaderboard
The Tower HotFix
Little release removing an undefined value from a DB query. This hotfix doesn't affect the rest of the project
Slack API upadate
SlackAPi had minor changes on their payloads. Also, Nodejs updated a couple of APIs to work with URL parameters. This release fixes minor changes and updates the necessary dependencies.
Slack Games Updated
Slack games were revisited and fixed to work with the new approach we use in the DB relations.
We also solved a lot of bugfixes related to the tower and the arena and their integration into the admin panel
Google APP bypass
Remove the secure communication internally in the API
Games Integration Google APP
The API now supports full game integrations with the ability to create achievements, leaderboards, and also webhooks to communicate with them in a secure conversation.
This release also has a couple of bugfixes related to The Arena and The Tower.
Game Integrations
The API now supports full game integrations with the ability to create achievements, leaderboards, and also webhooks to communicate with them in a secure conversation.
This release also has a couple of bugfixes related to The Arena and The Tower.
First Official Version 1.6.0
Previous release updates v1.1.0. Also...
Adding updated firebase-auth code