Alpha repository for the self-made JavaScript Discord bot which uses the discord.js library (master branch)
For you to be able to use this Discord bot you need to have the following things:
- Discord Account and Client
- Your own Discord Server
- Invite this bot
The bot uses .
as prefix for every command.
Can be changed in the config.js file:
exports.PREFIX = 'your prefix';
Commands | Description | Requirements |
eval | Execute JavaScript code directly in Discord | Owner |
restart | Restart the bot | Owner |
setavatar | Change avatar with link to picture | Owner |
setgame | Change game with a string as parameter | Owner |
setstatus | Change status with parameters idle , dnd , online or invisible |
Owner |
shutdown | Shut down the bot | Owner |
ban | Ban user permanently from server | Ban Members |
delete | Delete message with a number as parameter | Manage Messages |
kick | Kick a user from the server | Kick Members |
purge | Delete 50 messages at once | Manage Messages |
vckick | Kick user from voice channel | Move Members |
- JavaScript - The programming language used
- Node.js - The server framework used
- Discord.js - Discord.js library / Node.js module used to interact with the Discord API
- Airbrake - Node.js module used for error tracking
- ytdl-core - Node.js module used for streaming (YouTube)
- Simple YouTube API - Node.js module used to interact with YouTube
- performance-now - Node.js module used for process time calculation
- Util - Node.js util module
- CleverbotAPI - Node.js module used to interact with the Cleverbot API
- node-os - Node.js module
- urban-dictionary - Node.js module used to interact with the Urban Dictionary API
- Wolfram|Alpha via JS - Node.js module used to interact with the Wolfram|Alpha web-service API
- node-google-image-search - Node.js module used to interact with the Google CSE API
Currently under development. No official version published yet. Alpha 0.2 or higher since last update.
This project is not licensed. This project is closed-source and will remain so.
- York Grimes' An Idiot's Guide tutorial on how to make a Discord-Bot from scratch
- Crawl's tutorial for the music commands of the bot
- Hat tip to anyone else whose code was used for this project