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Advanced Output Node

EfinaBot edited this page Dec 26, 2021 · 1 revision

An Advanced Output Node is a component of a cargo network which can receive items sent by input nodes.
It is a more complex type of output node, with additional settings to filter items.


Advanced output nodes can be crafted in an Enhanced Crafting Table.


Advanced output nodes move the items in the network matching their settings into the container on which they are placed.


An advanced output node must be placed (shift-right click) onto a container or machine, and aligned within 6 blocks of a cargo manager or a connector in range of one (no diagonals).


Right-clicking an advanced output node displays an interface to configure the following settings, from left to right:

  • 3x3 grid - Items placed there are included/excluded from being received by the node.
  • Type: Whitelist/Blacklist - Controls whether the items in the grid are whitelisted (included) or blacklisted (excluded).
  • Include Sub-IDs/Durability - If enabled, only the items with the same durability as the ones in the grid will be whitelisted/blacklisted.
  • Include Lore - If enabled, only the items with the same lore as the ones in the grid will be whitelisted/blacklisted.
  • Channel - The channel from which items are taken.
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