Releases: xRahul/Programming-Quiz-System
Releases · xRahul/Programming-Quiz-System
Multiple Programming Quiz System
Programming Multiple Quiz System
A simple Programming Quiz System containing-
- Instruction page
- Student enters Roll No. here
- Quiz page
- Timed-Quiz appears here
- Result page
- Result of the user is shown here
- Login Page
- Admin has to login here first.(admin, 12345)
- Admin page
- All admin related functions are here!
- Videos
- Users can also watch a video during the quiz. Or anything you want to display to them.
Get the full doc with images here
APIs used to enter and Display Programming codes
- CodeMirror In-browser code editor.
- SyntaxHighlighter JavaScript code syntax highlighter.
Coded & Tested using-
- XAMPP for Apache server and MySQL.
- Sublime Text for code editing.
- Firefox and Chrome browsers.
- Mac OSX & Windows.
How to install on your system-
- Install XAMPP and make sure Apache Web Server and MySQL Database are running
- copy-paste the quiz_system_git folder in htdocs folder associated with XAMPP
- goto phpMyAdmin and create a database.
- import the quiz database from database folder into it and make sure it has all 5 tables.
- Truncate the tables to have clean database.
first admin in the admins database.- make required changes in scripts/connect_db.php
- Get favicons-
- visit faviconit (© 2013-2014 Eduardo Russo).
- Upload atleast 200x200px img with maximum 1MB size limit.
- click on favicon it! and download the zip file.
- extract the in the img folder.
- Add videos in webm(video.webmhd.webm) and mp4(video.mp4) formats in videos folder.
- login to the admin page using http://localhost/quiz_system_git/login.php
- start the quiz @ http://localhost/quiz_system_git/
Features provided for the Admin in admin.php page-
- Clicking on your username in the navbar refreshes the page.
- Quiz Homepage opens the Instructions page in a new tab.
Manage Questions-
- Create a Question-
- True/False - Create a Question with 2 options- True and False.
- Multiple Choice - Create a Question with 4 options.
- View All Questions-
- Shows all the questions of all the quizes on a single page along with the correct answers.
- Edit a Question-
- Select one question from all the questions in all quizes to edit.
- Delete Some Questions-
- Select as many questions as you want to delete from the database.
- Delete All Questions-
- Deletes all the questions from all the quizes, but leaves the quizes intact.
Quiz Management-
You will see all your quizes lined up here.
- Add New Quiz-
- Add a new quiz to the database and allot the Duration for the quiz, and Max no. of Questions to be displayed to the users.
- Further list contains QuizName along with the time and no. of questions allotted to it.
####### Hovering over a QuizName-
- Quiz Settings
- Set Default - Sets the quiz as default i.e. it will be the one USER will be attempting.
- Update Metadata - edit the Duration for the quiz, and Max no. of Questions to be displayed.
- Delete this Quiz - Deletes the quiz along with all its questions.
- Manage Questions
- View All Questions - Shows all Questions of the quiz
- Edit a Question - Edit a single question from the quiz
- Delete Some Questions - Delete some questions from the quiz
- Results
- Result(Top 20) - Shows the top 20 Rank Holders.
- Result(All) - Shows all the users, sorted according to rank.
- Clear the Result - Delete all records of the users who took this quiz.
- Register an Admin
- Register a new admin
- Change Password
- Change password to your account
- Delete Your Account
- Delete Your admin account
- Reset All Tables
- Truncates all tables and sets one admin ID as default (admin, 12345)
- LogOut
- Log out of your admin account.
Interface for Creating/Editing a Question
- Select/re-select the quiz to which you want to add/transfer the question.
- If there are no quizes in the dropdown, create a Quiz first.
- Type/Change your Question.
- If there's a program/code in the question,
- Select/Change Language of the code
- Add/Edit the code below
- If adding a True/False Question-
- Select the correct answer
- If adding a Multiple Choice Question-
- Write/Edit the 4 options(single lined) and choose the correct one.
- Click Add to quiz/Save.
Interface for Viewing/SelectingForEdit/DeletingSome Questions
- Quiz_Name is displayed above its question.
- If there's code, it'll be displayed after the text part of the Question.
- Options are displayed below.
- Correct answer is Underlined and Emphasised!
- You can select only 1 question for editing.
- You can select any number of questions to delete.
Result Interface
- List is already sorted according to their ranks.
- Ranks are decided on the basis of highest marks first, followed by the time taken by the user to finish the quiz.
- TimeStamp contains the time user started the quiz.
Features provided in other pages
# index.php(Instructions page)
- Quiz name along with no. of questions to display and durations is displayed here.
- An overlay is provided, currently used to display a video to the user while they wait to start the quiz.
- User can't proceed without entering the username/RollNo.
- User can't attempt the same quiz twice.
- HTML can be edited to add your own rules and the like.
- Right-click is disabled.
# quiz.php(Quiz page)
- Quiz name is displayed on the top
- Countdown is fixed & displayed on the top-right of the screen.
- At zero the quiz will automatically be submitted.4.
- There's no negative marking.
- User can answer none, some or all the questions.
- Code/Program will be displayed in color-coded format.
- A confirmation dialog will pop-up if the user tries to close, refresh or navigate away from this page.
- Right-click is disabled.
- An overlay is provided, currently used to display a video to the user during the quiz.
- User can't directly access this page.
# result.php(Result page)
- Marks of the user are dosplayed here(1 mark per correct answer).
- An overlay is provided, currently used to display a message to the user on click.
- User can't directly access this page.
- if user clicks on back and goes back to the quiz, he can't resubmit the quiz.
# login.php(Admin-Login page)
- A user can login from multiple systems at the same time.
- User can't access admin page before logging in.
- Using sessions to store the session of an admin. Re-login isn't necessary as long as the admin doesn't click logOut.
Miscellaneous features
- Using codemirror to have a better textarea input for programs/codes.
- Using syntax highlighter to display the code better in a question.
- A lot of MYSQL error checks are in place in case of some unknown error.
- Basic failsafes are in place for things like SQL injection.
- Layout is designed keeping different window sizes in mind.
- It isn't designed to work on Internet Explorer also. So, it might be displayed differently on that(Styling difference).
- None of the other pages can be accessed directly except the logout.php as it can only be accessed by the admin to logout.
Single quiz Interface
a little bit buggy, but works overall!