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xaav edited this page Oct 9, 2011 · 17 revisions

Welcome to the QueueBundle wiki!

The QueueBundle wiki is the place to follow the development of the QueueBundle.

NOTE: To avoid confusion, the term "Job Queue" is never used (if you find a place where it is used, please file a bug).

What is a Queue?

You have a web application in Symfony2. Most pages render quickly with minimal to no wait time. On one of your pages, your users can send emails to each other. Your app is configured to connect to your SMTP server to send the emails. So far, everthing is working fine.

Over time, your app grows in popularity. More users start sending emails to each other. Multiple instances of your app all access your SMTP server at the same time. Your SMTP server begins to become bogged down with all the connections.

What if you could put your emails in a "TODO List" or "Queue," and have one process send them all in the background, reducing the load on your SMTP server? Your app wouldn't have to worry about connecting to your SMTP server up front, causing faster load times.

A Queue is exactly this, a "TODO List" for one single process to "process" in the background, equalizing load and making more efficient use of your resources.


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