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Mark Smith edited this page Sep 2, 2016 · 2 revisions


The XamUInfrastructure static class provides methods to initialize all the service implementations and the service locator or IoC container.




public class App : Application
   public App()
      IDependencyService ds = XamUInfrastructure.Init();
      MainPage = new NavigationPage(new MainPage());

Changing the Service Locator

By default, the library uses the static DependencyService built into Xamarin.Forms. However, you can change this by supplying a different implementation of the IDependencyService abstraction to the XamUInfrastructure.Init() method. For example, you could wrap the Unity Container.

First, turn it into a IDependencyService:

public class UnityWrapper : IDependencyService
    UnityContainer container;

    public UnityWrapper(UnityContainer container)
       this.container = container;

    public T Get<T>() where T : class
        return container.Resolve<T>();

    public void Register<T> () where T : class, new()

    public void Register<T, TImpl> () 
        where T : class
        where TImpl : class, T, new()

Then, pass your implementation into the Init method:

// Setup Unity
var container = new UnityWrapper(new UnityContainer());

// Initialize our services - pass in the container we want to use
IDependencyService ds = XamarinUniversity.Services.XamUInfrastructure.Init(container);
ds.Register<ISomeOtherService, SomeImplementation>();