This is a heavily modified and extended fork of DOOM in Sonic Mania by TheStoneBanana.
You can find more info and download links on the GameBanana page.
This repo contains 4 projects
ChocoDoom - the modified Chocolate DOOM Sonic Mania fork to work with D3D11
DOOMSona - ASI code which contains game and render hooks, scripts and acts as a general bridge to allow the game to be controlled via ingame script
DOOMSonaInstallerGUI - Setup and cleanup utility (previously used for deploying data to the game)
ReloadedDOOMSonaInstallerLauncher - This is a simple C# DLL which just binds the "Configure Mod" button in Reloaded-II to start the installer
There are a few modifications applied to the DOOM fork, namely:
Win32 keyboard and mouse input (via GetAsyncKeyState and cursor positioning)
XInput for controllers
BASS for sound and BASSMIDI for music
API to communicate with other code
Function to dump the framebuffer into a RGBA texture (for rendering to D3D11)
Basic level completion statistic tracking (for Persona)
Melt screen at game exit
I_Error modifications to notify the API of errors for graceful exits
Argument parsing via
...and many other things
chocolate-doom-setup - setup binaries from v3.0.1 - used only for binding keys, nothing else
ReloadedModStuff - Has stuff specific to the Reloaded-II mod manager (ModConfig.json, Preview.png, etc.)
sf2 - Contains the SoundFont file used by DOOMSona. By default, this is the E-MU 4MB set (CT4MGM.SF2)
Build the entire solution in Visual Studio
Open the repository as the work directory in a cmd window
post-install\GatherFiles.bat <build_type>
can beRelease
You can find the files in the
.Debug Package
or.Release Package
- KingJackSkellington - P5R scripting and testing
- TheStoneBanana - Author of DOOM in Sonic Mania
- All contributors to the Chocolate DOOM and Crispy DOOM source port projects. You rock!
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0. Please see the LICENSE file for more details.