Work faster with an nice setup
- Reload your browser
- Pug(Jade) templating
- Lint Javascript
- Compile es2015 with Babel
- Compilation with Stylus
- NPM: [](Install NPM)
- NodeJs: NodeJs
- Gulp: Installing Gulp
1. In your Terminal clone the repo(Github)
git clone my-project
2. Go to the folder
cd my-project
3. Install the package NPM in your project
npm install
4. Start gulp
gulp watch
the first Babel precompilation takes 30 secs, this is normal, then it's takes 1 seconde
the main files are:
Files | Files Types | destination |
src/babel/script.js | Javascript | folder index.html/ |
src/jade/index.jade | html | folder index.html/ |
src/stylus/style.styl | Stylus(CSS) | folder index.html/ |
Clone this repository. Once You're done. You'll copy the code in FCC you can use es6 with Free Code Camp or copy the script in index.html/script.js