The Cancellation Questions enables you to quickly add the functionality to ask questions to users when they are leaving your application.
There is a crud controller and view all ready to go. Navigate to $serverUrl/cancellationQuestion/list There you can view, add, edit, and delete the cancellation questions you ask your customers.
There is also a crud controller for answers ready to go. Navigate to $serverUrl/cancellationAnswer/list There you can review and edit existing answers, manually add new answers, and delete the answers you don't like ;)
Typically to integration the asking of the questiosn into your process you need to add to two definitions to the respective view in your own app.
To include the javascript resource define the following in the head of your view:
<r:require module="cancellationQuestions" />
The tag you need to define looks something like this
<cancellationQuestions:ask action="cancel" controller="customerAccount" accountName="Bob Hoskins, Bob Inc" accountEmail="[email protected]">
We have no cancellation Questions for you.
<g:link action="justCancel" controller="customerAccount" >Just cancel</g:link>
- action - the action of the controller to be called in order to complete the cancellation process
- controller - the controller to be called in order to complete the cancellation process
- accountName - the name of the account which is being cancelled
- accountEmail - the email of the account being cancelled
- body - in the body of the tag, you can define an alternative that is shown to users if no cancellation questions exist.