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FastAPI Project Template

A template repository for a FastAPI project that can automatically generate Unit files for easy project management using Systemd to start, restart, and stop the project.

How to Use?

1. Install rye

Rye is a necessary project management tool. You don't even need to install Python, but you do need rye.

Rye will manage itself and also manage the Python interpreter needed for the project.

This document assumes that the development and deployment environments are Linux. Installing rye on Linux is very simple: curl -sSf | bash.

For more rye installation documentation, see:

You can still use this template for development on Windows. For installing rye, see the official website. All instructions in this document, except for the Unit file related parts, apply to the Windows environment.

2. Clone the project locally

cd ~
git clone <project_name> # Replace with your desired project name
cd <project_name> 

3. Sync the environment

# Set up the environment
# In a production environment, you can add --no-dev to all sync commands
# to reduce the installation of unnecessary dependencies
rye sync 
# Initialize the project using your own information
rye run init
# recompile the project scripts
rye sync

4. Develop the project

# During development, try hot-reloading the project, which by default monitors all *.py files and .envs files
rye run dev 
# Start the project
rye run start 

During project development, it is recommended to put all configurable items in environment variables, i.e., in the .envs file (please copy .envs.example to .envs).

These environment variables should be divided into two groups, one for controlling the program's behavior and the other for controlling uvicorn.

First, define the necessary environment variables in the AppConfig and UnicornConfig in, and provide default values. If you need to change the default values or if no default values are set, you need to define them in the .envs.

Using the configuration is very convenient; you can directly call the corresponding configuration through . after instantiation. For example, to control the port the program listens on, the default value of port in is 8001, then you can directly use app_config.port after instantiating an app_config.

To change the running port, you can redefine the PORT environment variable in the .envs. The case of PORT is insensitive, Port, PORT, and port are all valid.

5. Deploy and manage the project

# Generate unit file <project_name>.service
# into cache dir
rye run unit 
# If you use `rye run unit <name>`
# You can specify to generate `<name>.service`
# This is especially useful when multiple unit services are needed
# For example, `rye run unit proxy`
#              `rye run unit spider`

# It is recommended to run the generated unit file at the --user level
# It can be placed in the following four locations
# /usr/lib/systemd/user: Lowest priority, will be overridden by higher priority units of the same name
# ~/.local/share/systemd/user
# /etc/systemd/user: Globally shared user units
# ~/.config/systemd/user: Highest priority

# In this example, I put it in ~/.config/systemd/user
mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable <project_name>.service
systemctl --user start <project_name>.service
systemctl --user status <project_name>.service
systemctl --user stop <project_name>.service
systemctl --user disable <project_name>.service

Note: Services started with systemctl --user will automatically stop when the user session ends (for example, logging out of the VPS). To keep the service running, you need to enable linger by executing loginctl enable-linger $USER. (This might require root privileges)

If enabled successfully, running loginctl show-user $USER | grep Linger will show:

$ loginctl show-user $USER | grep Linger

For more information, see:

6. Log Rotation

Log rotation relies on the tool logrotate, please ensure it is installed on your system.

First, use rye run rotate to generate the log rotation configuration file. At the end of the generated file, you will see a crontab task for executing log rotation in user space.

Generate log rotation files, and you can also specify the generated file name: rye run rotate <name> will generate name.conf.

0 0 * * * /usr/sbin/logrotate /home/.../fsapi-template.conf

Please edit with crontab -e and add the task you see.

7. Others

Before git push, it is best to run rye lint && rye fmt to improve and format any non-compliant parts of the code.




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