Indentinator is (yet another) mode that attempts to automatically indent your code as you edit.
It runs when Emacs is idle, and re-indents code after changed lines, until re-indenting doesn't change indentation for 2 consecutive lines.
If interrupted by editing, it will make a note of where it got to and continue indenting when Emacs is next idle, starting at the location of the most recent change. Basically, it should be re-indenting where you're working and if you leave it be, eventually get everything re-indented if you make big changes.
Emacs 25.
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/indentinator")
(require 'indentinator)
(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook #'indentinator-mode)
use-package and straight
(use-package indentinator
:hook ((emacs-lisp-mode php-mode js-mode css-mode ruby-mode) . indentinator-mode)
:straight (:host github :repo "xendk/indentinator"))
The idle timeouts and the face used for the indicator when re-indentation is running can be customized via the customize system.
auto-indent-mode Primarily indents code when yanked, but contains numerous bits and pieces, which explains the ~2500 lines of code.
aggressive-indent-mode Automatically re-indents code after changes to the buffer. A more modest <500 lines of code.
Indentinator came to be after trying to fix a very minor bug in
and realizing how little of it I really used. I
tried aggressive-indent-mode
, but it didn't work for me because it
stopped after one unchanged line, but in languages like PHP removing
the brace from an if
statement wont change the indentation of the
next line, but the following.