AMI Queue Monitor v2.0
Simple Queue Monitor for Asterisk using AsterNET framework
- Displays queues statistics: current, abandoned, completed calls
- Displays current call in queue details: number, name, queue, position in queue, wait time
- Logs queue events to application console: caller joined, caller connected to agent, call abandoned, call completed
- Logs agents events to application console: agent logon, agent logoff
Configurable settings
- Queue filtering
- Auto poll on startup
- Poll interval
- Always on top
- Pop up on new incoming call in queue
- Highlight queue if there are active calls in it
- Configurable UI settings (sizes, position, fonts, colors)
.Net Framework 4.6.1
on client PC- Asterisk AMI interface enabled and
configured on Asterisk
enabled = yes
port = 5038
bindaddr =
secret = MySecretPassword
read = all
write =
Installation and configuration
- Download
and unpack it - Open
AMI Queue Monitor.exe.config
in text editor - Change
<!--Server settings-->
and<!--Queues settings-->
accordingly to match your Asterisk AMI configuration and your queue settings. - Note: Queues configuration is provided in format:
"Queue 1:Description for Queue 1,Queue 2:Description for Queue 2,etc..."
, see below
<!--Server settings-->
<add key="Server" value=""/>
<add key="ServerPort" value="5038"/>
<add key="Username" value="ReadonlyAMIUser"/>
<add key="Password" value="MySecretPassword"/>
<!--Queues settings-->
<add key="Queues" value="2880:Sales,2881:Marketing,2882:Helpdesk"/>
- Run
AMI Queue Monitor.exe
Application behavior configuration
<add key="PollInterval" value="1000"/>
<add key="AlwaysOnTop" value="true"/>
<add key="PopupOnNewCall" value="true"/>
<add key="StartAutoPollOnStartup" value="true"/>
<add key="HightlightRowIfQueueNotEmpty" value="true"/>
<add key="DateTimeFormat" value="H:mm:ss"/>
UI configuration
If you want to change look-and-feel of the application you can configure following settings:
<!--Style settings-->
<add key="WindowTitle" value="AMI Queue Monitor"/>
<add key="ConsoleFont" value="Consolas, 8pt"/>
<add key="TableHeadersFont" value="Consolas, 8pt, style=Bold"/>
<add key="TableRowsFont" value="Consolas, 8pt"/>
<add key="TableRowsFont" value="Consolas, 8pt"/>
<add key="StateIndicatorsFont" value="Consolas, 8pt"/>
<add key="TableHeadersHeight" value="22"/>
<add key="FormOrigin" value="20,20"/>
<add key="FormSize" value="640,640"/>
<add key="ConsoleSplitterRatio" value="0.6"/>
<add key="QueuesSplitterRatio" value="0.28"/>
<add key="TableHeadersColor" value="#B0C4DE"/>
<add key="TableGridsColor" value="#B0C4DE"/>
<add key="ConsoleAreaColor" value="#B0C4DE"/>
<add key="QueuesAreaColor" value="#F0FFFF"/>
<add key="TableHeadersTextColor" value="#000000"/>
<add key="TableRowsTextColor" value="#000000"/>
<add key="ConsoleInfoTextColor" value="#333333"/>
<add key="ConsoleErrorTextColor" value="#D20020"/>
<add key="HighlightRowColor" value="#FF8C00"/>