This is a player for NSF-format Nintendo Entertainment System music files. It's written in JavaScript and should work in any major browser.
Include libgme.js and index.js in your project.
<script src="libgme.js"></script>
<script src="index.js></script>
Create a player by calling createNsfPlayer
const nsfPlayer = createNsfPlayer(); // An audio context is created for you.
Optionally, you can pass in your own audio context.
const ctx = new AudioContext();
const nsfPlayer = createNsfPlayer(ctx);
NSF files may contain multiple tracks. Play a track by calling play
and passing it the path to your NSF file and the index of the track you wish to hear. (Indexes start at 0 and go up.)'./songs/smb.nsf', 2);
If you just want to hear the first track, you don't have to pass an index.'./songs/smb.nsf');
Stop the music by calling stop
This uses (and includes) libgme, A.K.A. Game_Music_Emu, a library for emulating video game music. I adapted it from code I found on the web at