- 👋 Hi, I’m @xiaolongba, you can call me "临时工" in chinese
- 👀 I’m interested in WiFi,LoRa,UWB,Bluetooth LE, but except for Cellular network
- 🌱 I’m currently learning LoRa and UWB
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on IoT projects, any cases about it pls contact with me
- 📫 How to reach me ...pls email to me via [email protected]
- GuangDong, China
- https://bbs.wireless-tech.cn/
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HX_DK_FOR_NORDIC_52840_BLE Public该代码仓主要用于发布基于红旭开发板的NORDIC 52840 BLE教程(This repository is mainly to publish the NORDIC 52840 BLE tutorials based on the HX DK)
HX_DK_FOR_NORDIC_52840_BLE_MESH_PUBLIC Public该代码仓主要用于发布基于红旭开发板的BLE MESH公开教程(This repository is mainly to publish the BLE MESH public tutorials based on the HX DK)
HX_DK_FOR_ESP32 Public该代码仓主要用于发布基于红旭开发板的ESP32教程(This repository is mainly to publish the ESP32 tutorials based on the HX DK)
HX_DK_FOR_ESP32-C3 Public本代码仓仅发布基于HX-DK商的ESP32-C3系列教程,如Bluetooth LE、Bluetooth LE MESH、WiFi等等(This Repository only releases the tutorials about HX-DK-Shang, which is based on esp32c3 , including the Bluetooth LE, Bluetooth …
HX_DK_FOR_NORDIC_52840_THREAD Public该代码仓主要用于发布基于红旭开发板的THREAD教程(This repository is mainly to publish the THREAD tutorials based on the HX DK)
HX_DK_FOR_HX_PERPHERIAL Public该代码仓主要用于发布基于红旭自己设计的外围电路的相关教程(This repository is mainly to pulish the HX Perpherials tutorials based on the HX DK)
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