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Welcome to project Assets


This is an initiative to visualize NuGet package dependencies in a given project. The side effect of this project is a library of ProjectAssets.Core.

Get started

  • Clone the repo

  • Go to CLI folder

cd src/ProjectAssets.CLI
  • Run
dotnet run -- -i obj

This generates the package reference mermaid chart at data/output.mmd.

  • Visual

    • Copy & paste the text in data/output.mmd to any mermaid visualizer. For example:

      • If the mermaid file becomes too big to render, use the configuration tab to increase the default settings: A screenshot shows where to set the configurations.
    • There are VSCode extensions to render *.mmd files in the editor too.

You could choose to use the artifacts in releases.

Trim down to specific package

Chances are, that not all packages are interested. You can specify a target package for analysis. For example:

dotnet run -- -i obj -t "Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration"

You will get:

net6.0 --> 📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json/6.0.0
📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json/6.0.0 --> 📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions/6.0.0
📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions/6.0.0 --> 📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration/6.0.0
📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json/6.0.0 --> 📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration/6.0.0
net6.0 --> 📦Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console/6.0.0
📦Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console/6.0.0 --> 📦Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration/6.0.0
📦Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration/6.0.0 --> 📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration/6.0.0
📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration/6.0.0 --> 📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions/6.0.0
📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions/6.0.0 --> 📦Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives/6.0.0
📦Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives/6.0.0 --> 📦System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe/6.0.0
📦System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe/6.0.0 --> [*]
📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration/6.0.0 --> 📦Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives/6.0.0

Further: upstream or downstream of a given package

dotnet run -- -i obj -t "Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration" -d Up

And get:

net6.0 --> 📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json/6.0.0
📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json/6.0.0 --> 📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions/6.0.0
📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions/6.0.0 --> 📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration/6.0.0
📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json/6.0.0 --> 📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration/6.0.0
net6.0 --> 📦Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console/6.0.0
📦Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console/6.0.0 --> 📦Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration/6.0.0
📦Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration/6.0.0 --> 📦Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration/6.0.0

Use the docker image CLI

Docker image CLI is supported. A quick use:

  • Pull the image
docker pull saars/ast-cli

The container looks for input files in /data. So for example, if you have a project.assets.json defined on your system in c:\src\project\obj, you can use the container to generate a Mermaid(mmd) file as follows:

docker run -it -v c:\src\project\obj:/data saars/ast-cli

This will map c:\src\project\obj into /data in the container. And you will find the output file at:



For more use, invoke the cli with -h.

When running with source code, you need -- as a separator for dotnet cli:

dotnet -- -h

For docker image:

docker run -it saars/ast-cli -h


This project is inspired and helped by: