namespace pino=pinocchio;
const std::string urdf_filename=PINOCCHIO_MODEL_DIR;
pino::Model model;
// Create data required by the algorithms
pino::Data data(model);
typedef boost::variant<
// JointModelVoid,
JointModelRX, JointModelRY, JointModelRZ
, JointModelMimicRX, JointModelMimicRY, JointModelMimicRZ
, JointModelFreeFlyer, JointModelPlanar
, JointModelRevoluteUnaligned
, JointModelSpherical, JointModelSphericalZYX
, JointModelPX, JointModelPY, JointModelPZ
, JointModelPrismaticUnaligned
, JointModelTranslation
, JointModelRUBX, JointModelRUBY, JointModelRUBZ
, JointModelRevoluteUnboundedUnaligned
, boost::recursive_wrapper<JointModelComposite>
> JointModelVariant;
Boost.Variant 提供了一个类似于 union 的名为 boost::variant 的类。您可以将不同类型的值存储在 boost::variant 变量中。在任何时候只能存储一个值。分配新值时,旧值将被覆盖。但是,新值的类型可能与旧值不同。唯一的要求是这些类型必须作为模板参数传递给 boost::variant,这样它们才能为 boost::variant 变量所知。
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <string>
int main()
boost::variant<double, char, std::string> v;
v = 3.14;
v = 'A';
v = "Boost";
q = [global_base_position, global_base_quaternion, joint_positions]
v = [local_base_velocity_linear, local_base_velocity_angular, joint_velocities]
The base translation part is expressed in the parent frame (here the world coordinate system) while its velocity is expressed in the body coordinate system.
Eigen::Matrix3d rotationMatrix = pinocchio::rpyToMatrix(roll, pitch, yaw);
Eigen::Quaterniond quaternion(rotationMatrix);
表示方向,两个frame的相对orientation,B在A中表示: $$ ^AR_B=\begin{bmatrix}^A\hat{x}_B &^A\hat{y}_B&^A\hat{z}_B\end{bmatrix} $$
m\in M^6,f\in F^6
- Update the joint placements,spatial velocities ,spatial accelerations according to the current joint configuration,velocity,acceleration。
joint-space formulation: $$ H(q)\ddot{q}+C(q,\dot{q})\dot{q}+\tau_g(q)=\tau $$
$$ \begin{bmatrix} \tau_f \ \tau_j \ \end{bmatrix}=H(q)\ddot{q}+C(q,\dot{q})+g-J_c^Tf_r $$
data.M.triangularView<Eigen::StrictlyLower>() = data.M.transpose().triangularView<Eigen::StrictlyLower>();
- Calculate Corriolis, centrifual and gravitationnal effects
- pinocchio::rnea(model,data,q,v,0)
return The center of mass position of the full rigid body system expressed in the world frame.
model The model structure of the rigid body system. data The data structure of the rigid body system. q The joint configuration vector (dim model.nq). [ computeSubtreeComs If true, the algorithm computes also the center of mass of the subtrees.
centroidal composit-rigid-body algorithm
返回质心动量矩阵$A_G$ $$ h_G=A_G(q)\dot{q} $$
- 更新各个Frame的位置(pino::forwardkinematics更新各个joint的位置)
data.M. The joint space inertia matrix (a square matrix of dim model.nv).
data.nle.In the multibody dynamics equation
$M\ddot{q}+b(q,\dot{q})=\tau$ , term$b$
- placement(SE3):Placement of the frame wrt the parent joint.