Well in essence because I've been tired of suffering with spam mail for 25 years, the logic that I use is:
You're asked for an email address, let's say by any ecommerce merchant/airline/bank/you name it!.
The merchant might:
Suffer from a leak of your email address (typical) and then falls into the wrong hands.
Have unethical practices and their unsubscribe button on their emails either won't work or they simply won't stop.
Me on the other hand would like to:
- Be able to stop the spamming on its tracks, no more regex editing.
- Be able to tell who leaked my info (and potentially decide to do something about it)
- Integrate with CPANEL (because it is easy to setup your own email)
- Have the ability to cross compile and install in my Mac, in my Linux Box and on my mobile phone (I have it working on a Mac and on an Android Phone)
- and most important of all, be able to create a custom email address (an alias) that I can create on the fly and not give away my real email address.
- Bonus tip, what I usually do is create an email address with the name of the [email protected] and let the forwarder send it to [email protected]
go build .
rename config/config.json.example
to config/config.json
then edit the values accordingly:
{ "cpanelAPIKey": "USERNAME:SOMEKEY", "cpanelHost": "cpanel.yourDOMAIN.com:2083", "defaultForwardersDomain": "domain1.com", "yourRealEmail":"[email protected]", "domains": ["domain1.com", "domain2.com"] }
Where the USERNAME:SOMEKEY are your cpanel username and the api key. You need to get those out of your cpanel admin console.
fyne package -os darwin -icon iconAlias.png
Drag and drop to your Applications folder
I have cross compiled and created a Fyne Android App for my mobile phone.
Please refer to Fyne's Guide on packaging the App for Mobile.