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Python DDNS client for Aliyun(http://www.guanxigo.com/aliyun-ddns-client/)
This version of DDNS client only supports auto updating 'A' type DomainRecord with IPV4 address.
Other types are not supported because they need following value format other than IP address:
- 'NS', 'MX', 'CNAME' types DomainRecord need domain name format value
- 'AAAA' type DomainRecord need IPV6 address format value
- 'SRV' type DomainRecord need name.protocal format value
- 'Explicit URL' and 'Implicit URL' need URL format value
Some 3rd party python libraries are required for aliyun-ddns-client as below, you can install it via pip or easy_install:
- requests
For example:
# pip install requests
- Download all files to somewhere, e,g: /opt/aliyun-ddns-client
- Rename "ddns.conf.example" to "ddns.conf" in the same dir
- Create a cronjob which execute "python ddns.py" periodly, e,g:
*/5 * * * * cd /opt/aliyun-ddns-client && /usr/bin/python ddns.py
- Make sure ddns.conf can be accessed by cronjob user
Required options need to be set in /etc/ddns.conf:
- access_id
- access_key
- domain
- sub_domain
Optional options:
- type
- debug
# access id obtains from aliyun
# access key obtains from aliyun
# it is not used at this moment, you can just ignore it
# turn on debug mode or not
# domain name, like google.com
# subdomain name, like www, blog, bbs, *, @, ...
# resolve type, 'A', 'AAAA'..., currently it only supports 'A'
- Create a DNS resolve entry in Aliyun console manually, e,g: blog.guanxigo.com
- You can leave any IP address on Aliyun server for this entry, like
- Make sure all required options are inputted correctly in "ddns.conf"
- Make sure "ddns.conf" can be readable for the user who setup cron job
NOTICE: Only domain records both defined in local config file and Aliyun server will be updated
Q: Why it failed with error message "The input parameter "Timestamp" that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied." in describeDomainRecords()?
A: Please check what's the value in params 'TimeStamp'. If the value has big difference with the correct time, you need use ntpdate to sync system time to the correct one.
Q: Why it failed with error message "Failed to save the config value"?
A: You need make sure current cronjob user has permission to write file /etc/ddns.conf.
Q: Why it raise exception "AttributeError: 'X509' object has no attribute '_x509'"?
A: PyOpenSSL version need >= 0.14, and you may try to fix this problem by do following:
sudo yum uninstall python-requests sudo pip uninstall pyopenssl cryptography requests sudo pip install requests