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DemoTutorail English
This example is based on the ThirdPerson blueprint project created, only a little bit of modification.
Include map:
- Engine.umap (Persistent Level)
- UI.umap (sublevel1)
- ThirdPersonExampleMap.umap (sublevel2)
Contains components (written in C#)
- Engine
- MainUI
- MyCharacter
- MyPlayerController
- LightFade
1.Engine.umap Contains Actor Engine, this Actor contains Engine components。The life cycle of a Engine component exists in the life cycle of the entire game.。 After the start of the game, in the Engine.BeginPlay function, load UI map
/// <summary>
/// called on begin play
/// </summary>
void BeginPlay()
//Open UI Level
LogInfo("Open UI Level");
FLatentActionInfo Info = new FLatentActionInfo();
UGameplayStatics.LoadStreamLevel(this, "UI",true,false, Info);
2.UI.umap contains Actor UI, this Actor contains MainUI components. This component handles UI events.
/// <summary>
/// Main Scene UI
/// </summary>
public class MainUI:UnrealEngine.UMonoActorComponent
public TSubclassOf<UUserWidget> MainWidget;
APlayerController PC;
UUserWidget widget;
public static MainUI Instance;
public MainUI()
Instance = this;
/// <summary>
/// called on register
/// </summary>
void OnRegister()
Instance = this;
/// <summary>
/// called on unregister
/// </summary>
void OnUnRegister()
Instance = null;
/// <summary>
/// called on begin play
/// </summary>
void BeginPlay()
//Show UI
/// <summary>
/// Called On End Play
/// </summary>
void OnDestroy()
Instance = null;
void Init()
if (widget != null)
PC = UGameplayStatics.GetPlayerController(GetWorld(), 0);
widget = UWidgetBlueprintLibrary.Create(this, MainWidget, PC);
//bind start game button event
UButton BtnStart = widget.WidgetTree.FindWidget<UButton>("Button_Start");
FMulticastScriptDelegate OnClick = BtnStart.OnClicked;
OnClick.Add(this, "OnClickStart");
BtnStart.OnClicked = OnClick;
//bind quit game button event
UButton BtnStart = widget.WidgetTree.FindWidget<UButton>("Button_Quit");
FMulticastScriptDelegate OnClick = BtnStart.OnClicked;
OnClick.Add(this, "OnClickQuit");
BtnStart.OnClicked = OnClick;
/// <summary>
/// This Must be Public for export to blueprint
/// </summary>
public void OnClickStart()
UGameplayStatics.LoadStreamLevel(this, "ThirdPersonExampleMap", true, true, new FLatentActionInfo());
ULevelStreaming LvStreaming = UGameplayStatics.GetStreamingLevel(this, "ThirdPersonExampleMap");
FMulticastScriptDelegate Del = LvStreaming.OnLevelLoaded;
Del.Add(Engine.Instance, "OnThirdPersonExampleMapShown");
LvStreaming.OnLevelShown = Del;
//Close UI
//Unload UI Level
UGameplayStatics.UnloadStreamLevel(this, "UI", new FLatentActionInfo());
/// <summary>
/// This Must be Public for export to blueprint
/// </summary>
public void OnClickQuit()
UKismetSystemLibrary.QuitGame(GetWorld(), PC, EQuitPreference.Quit);
void _Close()
if (widget != null)
PC.bShowMouseCursor = false;
void _Open()
if (widget == null)
PC.bShowMouseCursor = true;
UWidgetBlueprintLibrary.SetInputMode_UIOnlyEx(PC, widget);
3.Click on the start button, load ThirdPersonExampleMap map, in the MyCharacter component of the BeginPlay method, creating a weapon and a shield for the character
public class MyCharacter:UMonoActorComponent
public TSubclassOf<AStaticMeshActor> SwordPrefab;
public TSubclassOf<AStaticMeshActor> ShieldPrefab;
void BeginPlay()
//Create Shield And Sword
ACharacter Char = Cast<ACharacter>(this.GetOwner());
USkeletalMeshComponent skeletalMesh = Char.Mesh;
AActor weapon = GetWorld().SpawnActor(SwordPrefab, new FVector(), new FRotator());
weapon.K2_AttachToComponent(skeletalMesh, "hand_rSocket", EAttachmentRule.SnapToTarget, EAttachmentRule.SnapToTarget, EAttachmentRule.SnapToTarget, true);
AActor shield = GetWorld().SpawnActor(ShieldPrefab, new FVector(), new FRotator());
shield.K2_AttachToComponent(skeletalMesh, "lowerarm_lSocket", EAttachmentRule.SnapToTarget, EAttachmentRule.SnapToTarget, EAttachmentRule.SnapToTarget, true);
void Tick(float DeltaTime)
//UKismetSystemLibrary.DrawDebugString(this, new FVector(0, 0, 0), "wsad to move,j attack", GetOwner(),FLinearColor.Red);
4.In the MyPlayerController component of the Tick method, to monitor whether the player presses the J key, if you press the J key, then the use of skills
Skills include:
Disable player input
Play a sword light
The ghost sword play effects
Play space distortion effects
Play the camera shake effect
/// <summary>
/// Called Every Frame
/// </summary>
/// <param name="DeltaTime"></param>
void Tick(float DeltaTime)
if (Target == null)
if(OwnerPC.WasInputKeyJustPressed(MakeKey("J")) && !_is_skill_using)
LogInfo("Key J Down");
// Play Animation
_skill_time_length = Target.Mesh.GetAnimInstance().Montage_Play(Montage);
_skill_timer = 0.0f;
_is_skill_using = true;
//Disable Input
//Attack Light
GetWorld().SpawnActor(AttackLight, Target.GetTransform().TransformPosition(FVector.ForwardVector * 300), Target.K2_GetActorRotation());
PS_SwordGhost= UGameplayStatics.SpawnEmitterAttached(PS_SwordGhostPreafab, Target.Mesh, "hand_rSocket", FVector.ZeroVector, FRotator.ZeroRotator, EAttachLocation.SnapToTarget);
UGameplayStatics.SpawnEmitterAtLocation(this, PS_HeatDistort, Target.GetTransform().TransformPosition(FVector.ForwardVector * 300), Target.K2_GetActorRotation());
UGameplayStatics.PlayWorldCameraShake(this, ShakePrefab, Target.K2_GetActorLocation(), shake_inner_radius, shake_outer_radius);
//Update Skill
_skill_timer += DeltaTime;
_is_skill_using = false;
//Destroy Particle System
//Enable Input
//Apply Force
FHitResult Hit;
Target.K2_AddActorWorldOffset(Target.GetTransform().TransformVector(FVector.ForwardVector) * 300 * DeltaTime, false, out Hit, false);
5.In the component (LightFade) Tick method, update the sword light effect, so that the light source to produce a flash effect
/// <summary>
/// Fade Light In And Out
/// </summary>
public class LightFade:UnrealEngine.UMonoActorComponent
float _fadeInTime = 0.3f;
float _fadeOutTime = 0.3f;
float _timer;
public float intensity = 500000;
UPointLightComponent lightCom;
void BeginPlay()
lightCom = GetOwner().GetComponentByClass<UPointLightComponent>();
void Tick(float DeltaTime)
_timer += DeltaTime;
if(_timer< _fadeInTime)
lightCom.Intensity = _timer / _fadeInTime * intensity;
else if(_timer < _fadeInTime+ _fadeOutTime)
lightCom.Intensity = (_timer- _fadeInTime) / _fadeOutTime * intensity;
//Destroy Light