GTA V 1.69 b3337
YimMenu UC release
This release is made for GTA V 1.69 b3337
You can't inject this in a Battle Eye enabled GTA V, make sure to disable Battle Eye before complaining about it not working.
To disable BattleEye you may need to sign into the Rockstar Games Launcher first and disable Battle Eye there.
Without doing that initial step I wasn't able to launch the game by just setting the "-nobattleeye" flag in the game's launch arguments.
After having take these two steps you can go onto injecting YimMenu as you have done before BattleEye was introduced in GTA V.
Recommendations by the YimMenu team, to lessen the chances of getting banned we recommend you make use of FSL (which can be found on UC as well).
We have had some amount of luck with people that were using FSL did not get banned during the initial ban wave of people going online with a BattleEye bypass.