This implements a toolkit for implementing the Google Safe Browsing API v2
The lib directory contains the pieces you'll need to assemble to match your enivroment:
lib/GSB_Client.php | The client to test if a URL is blacklisted |
lib/GSB_Exception.php | An empty class to namespace our exceptions |
lib/GSB_Logger.php | A really simple logger. Ideally you'd subclass to modify for your environment |
lib/GSB_Request.php | All network (http) calls are here |
lib/GSB_Storage.php | Every database query is here, wrapper up in a function |
lib/GSB_Updater.php | Updates the local GSB database |
lib/GSB_URL.php | URL cannonicalization |
bin-sample shows how this might be done. You'll want to rewrite these for match your environment:
bin-sample/intro.php | common code for both lookup and updater |
bin-sample/lookup.php | CLI to test a URL |
bin-sample/update.php | code to update the local GSB database |
bin-sample/ | shows how update might be run periodicially |
The URL lookup and the local database update shares common code:
$gsblists = array('goog-malware-shavar', 'googpub-phish-shavar');
// make a PDO object, 2nd line is just good practice
$dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=;dbname=gsb', 'root');
// create the pieces. Subclass, over-ride for your environment
$storage = new GSB_StoreDB($dbh);
$network = new GSB_Request($api);
$logger = new GSB_Logger(5);
To make URL checker:
// make the client with the pieces, and test
$client = new GSB_Client($storage, $network, $logger);
$client->lookup('A URL');
To make a database updater:
$x = new GSB_Updater($storage, $network, $logger);
$x->downloadData($gsblists, FALSE);