A simple BattleSnake AI written in Clojure with Ring
This is loosely based on Heroku's official Getting Started with Clojure On Heroku.
Fork and clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/xmatters-tko/xm-battlesnake-clojure.git
cd xm-battlesnake-clojure
Install Leiningen
Run the server:
lein ring server-headless
Test the client in your browser: http://localhost:3000
Click the Deploy to Heroku button at the top or use the command line commands below.
Create a new Heroku app:
heroku apps:create APP_NAME
Push code to Heroku servers:
git push heroku master
Open Heroku app in browser:
heroku open
Or go directly via http://APP_NAME.herokuapp.com
View/stream server logs:
heroku logs --tail