rev 2 - 11.10.2018
This small toolkit allows to calculate the transverse fiber modes guided in a simple step-index fiber. Such a fiber is characterized by the normalized frequency, V (V-number).
where \lambda_0 is the wavelength, a the core radius and n_co and n_cl are the refractive indeces of the core and the cladding, respectively.
Valid (guided) fiber modes that can be determined by solving the differential equation
where J_i and K_i are the i - th Bessel functions, and u and w dimensionless, positive numbers fulfilling the condition
The branches of the first view modes in the u-w-Plane are shown in the picture below.
Using the function get_intersects from liblp, the intersection points of a circle of radius V with the mode branches in the u-w-plance can be calculated.
The function looks for branches and returns the intersection coordinates.
Example: for V=4.5, the modes LP01, LP02, LP11 and LP21 are guided.
from liblp import get_intersects
# set the V-number
# look for LP modes up to LP_mmax,x
mmax = 5
for m in range(mmax+1):
intersects = get_intersects(m, V)
print("\nm=%d, # of intersections: %d\n"%(m, len(intersects)))
for intersect in intersects:
print(" %s u=%.3f w=%.3f"%(intersect[2], intersect[0], intersect[1]))
gives the output:
m=0, # of intersections: 2
LP01 u=1.958 w=4.052
LP02 u=4.266 w=1.434
m=1, # of intersections: 1
LP11 u=3.085 w=3.276
m=2, # of intersections: 1
LP21 u=4.064 w=1.932
m=3, # of intersections: 0
m=4, # of intersections: 0
m=5, # of intersections: 0
We are using the parameter from above, V=4.5. The fields of the modes can be calculated using the function besselmode
from liblp import besselmode
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # for plotting
# x-and y vector for the modes to be calculated
x = np.linspace(-2,2,500) # in units of a
y = x
# LP01 mode
m01 = besselmode(m, u, w, x, y)
plt.imshow(m01, extent=(min(x), max(x), min(y), max(y)), clim=[-1,1], cmap='bwr')
# LP02 mode
m02 = besselmode(m, u, w, x, y)
plt.imshow(m02, extent=(min(x), max(x), min(y), max(y)), clim=[-1,1], cmap='bwr')
# LP11 mode
m11 = besselmode(m, u, w, x, y)
plt.imshow(m11, extent=(min(x), max(x), min(y), max(y)), clim=[-1,1], cmap='bwr')
# LP21 mode
m21 = besselmode(m, u, w, x, y)
plt.imshow(m21, extent=(min(x), max(x), min(y), max(y)), clim=[-1,1], cmap='bwr')
The picture below shows the intersections of a V=4.5 circle with the branches in the u-v plane, as well as the mode fields of the four guided modes.
Calculate the intersects of the V-circle with the branches of LPmp for given m
- m azimuthal number of periods (m=0,1,2,3...)
- V V-number, normalized frequency
Optional arguments:
- anglepts: number of points for the circle (default=500)
- peakfindpts: intersection points are determined by searching
for peaks of 1/jkdiff along the V-circle.
For an u-w pair to be recognized as peak,
it must be a maximum in a surrounding of
peakfindpts points.
- maxjkdiff: sets the maximum value for jkdiff, so that
an intersection is still recognized
- reslist: list of branch intersections found.
consists of sub-lists [u, w, modename]
Calculate the field of a bessel mode LP mode.
- m azimuthal number of periods (m=0,1,2,3...)
- u, w radial phase constant and radial decay constant
- x, y transverse coordinates
- phioff: offset angle, allows to rotate the mode in
the x-y plane
- mode: calculated bessel mode
Determine peak positions in a list or array of real values.
- environment: (INT) a maxima has to be the local maximum in this environment of points
- valuelist: list or array of points to find the maxima in
- thresh: a maximum has to be larger than this value
- listindices: positions of the peaks found
Calculate the absolute difference diff = |Jm(u)/Jm+1(u)-Km(w)/Km+1(w)|.
Can be used to determine the branches of LP modes in a step-index fiber.
- m azimuthal number of periods (m=0,1,2,3...)
- u radial phase constant
- w radial decay constant
- diff - Difference
calculate the Difference
diff = |Jm(u)/Jm+1(u)-Km(w)/Km+1(w)|
for a given m for a matrix
[0..Vmax] x [0..Vmax] with pts x pts values.
- m: azimuthal number of periods (m=0,1,2,3...)
- Vmax: maximum V-number, normalized frequency
Optional Arguments:
- pts: number of grid points for each of the two
axes of the matrix
- jkdiffmatrix
- uv : u vector (=w vector)