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A repository to keep track of problem solving practice, containing solutions from platforms:

  • Codeforces   Codeforces
  • AtCoder   AtCoder


# Title Solution Tags Submitted
271 D - Restricted Permutation C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Oct/18/2021 20:01
270 C - Swiss-System Tournament C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Oct/17/2021 15:14
269 D - Between Two Arrays C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Oct/16/2021 13:58
268 A - Range Flip Find Route C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Oct/11/2021 10:36
267 D - Rectangles C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Oct/11/2021 09:47
266 E - LEQ C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Oct/08/2021 20:20
265 C - Shapes C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Oct/08/2021 10:09
264 D - Online games C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Oct/07/2021 13:49
263 D - FG operation C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Oct/07/2021 13:23
262 A - CQXYM Count Permutations GNU C++17 combinatorics math number theory *800 Oct/06/2021 19:36
261 C - Cellular Network GNU C++17 binary search implementation two pointers *1500 Oct/06/2021 18:50
260 B - Books GNU C++17 binary search brute force implementation two pointers *1400 Oct/06/2021 18:22
259 E2 - Array Optimization by Deque GNU C++17 data structures greedy *1700 Sep/30/2021 09:13
258 C - Ticks GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1500 Sep/29/2021 14:11
257 D - Productive Meeting GNU C++17 constructive algorithms graphs greedy *1400 Sep/29/2021 08:11
256 E1 - Permutation Minimization by Deque GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy math *1000 Sep/28/2021 23:35
255 B - Shifting Sort GNU C++17 implementation sortings *1100 Sep/28/2021 21:59
254 A - Casimir's String Solitaire GNU C++17 math strings *800 Sep/28/2021 21:37
253 A - AquaMoon and Strange Sort GNU C++17 sortings *1500 Sep/28/2021 13:22
252 C - Phoenix and Towers GNU C++17 constructive algorithms data structures greedy *1400 Sep/27/2021 16:13
251 A - Web of Lies GNU C++17 brute force graphs greedy *1400 Sep/27/2021 15:28
250 B2 - Wonderful Coloring - 2 GNU C++17 binary search constructive algorithms data structures greedy *1400 Sep/27/2021 11:45
249 C - Interesting Story GNU C++17 greedy sortings strings *1500 Sep/27/2021 10:29
248 C - Slay the Dragon GNU C++17 binary search greedy sortings ternary search *1300 Sep/25/2021 14:59
247 C - Carrying Conundrum Java 8 bitmasks combinatorics dp math *1600 Sep/24/2021 08:55
246 C - Jury Meeting GNU C++17 combinatorics math *1500 Sep/23/2021 13:19
245 B - Swaps GNU C++17 greedy math sortings *1400 Sep/23/2021 08:38
244 C - Rings GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math *1500 Sep/07/2021 18:56
243 D1 - Mocha and Diana (Easy Version) GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms dsu graphs greedy trees Aug/19/2021 08:57
242 C - Mocha and Hiking GNU C++17 constructive algorithms graphs Aug/17/2021 09:26
241 E - Permutation Shift GNU C++17 brute force combinatorics constructive algorithms dfs and similar dsu graphs math *2100 Aug/15/2021 11:34
240 B - Running for Gold GNU C++17 combinatorics graphs greedy sortings *1500 Aug/14/2021 08:35
239 D - Shortest Path Queries 2 C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Aug/13/2021 07:50
238 A - Bitwise Exclusive Or PyPy3 (7.3.0) AtCoder *100 Aug/13/2021 07:26
237 D - Takahashi Tour C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Aug/12/2021 14:06
236 C - Moamen and XOR GNU C++17 bitmasks combinatorics dp math matrices *1700 Aug/11/2021 11:44
235 D - Diane GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy strings *1800 Aug/11/2021 08:48
234 B - Reverse String GNU C++17 brute force dp hashing implementation strings *1300 Aug/11/2021 05:27
233 C - Mikasa GNU C++17 binary search bitmasks greedy implementation *1800 Aug/10/2021 18:35
232 B - Cobb GNU C++17 bitmasks brute force greedy math *1700 Aug/10/2021 08:39
231 D - Say No to Palindromes GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms dp strings *1600 Aug/09/2021 09:20
230 C - Coin Rows GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms dp implementation *1300 Aug/09/2021 08:28
229 B - Two Tables GNU C++17 brute force *1300 Aug/08/2021 13:27
228 A - PizzaForces GNU C++17 brute force math *900 Aug/08/2021 07:29
227 B - Kleene Inversion C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Aug/07/2021 07:34
226 A - Irreversible operation C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Aug/07/2021 07:10
225 D - Gathering Children C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Aug/07/2021 06:40
224 D - National Railway C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Aug/04/2021 10:28
223 C - Fair Candy Distribution C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Aug/03/2021 19:51
222 D - Querying Multiset C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Aug/01/2021 08:32
221 C - Min Difference C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Aug/01/2021 08:24
220 B - Weak Password C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Aug/01/2021 08:18
219 A - Alloy C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/01/2021 08:09
218 C - chokudai C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jul/30/2021 04:23
217 D - Backspace GNU C++17 dp greedy strings two pointers *1500 Jul/26/2021 08:05
216 D - Number of Shortest paths C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jul/26/2021 07:26
215 C - Tour C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jul/21/2021 05:33
214 A - Binary Decimal GNU C++17 greedy math *800 Jul/20/2021 18:57
213 D - Collision C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jul/19/2021 09:02
212 C - Not Equal C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jul/18/2021 17:32
211 C - Colorful Candies C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jul/18/2021 16:10
210 D - Kth Excluded C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jul/14/2021 05:21
209 D - KAIBUNsyo C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jul/10/2021 19:57
208 A - Exciting Bets GNU C++17 greedy math number theory *900 Jul/10/2021 19:37
207 D - Deleting Divisors GNU C++17 games math number theory *1700 Jul/09/2021 17:13
206 C - Strange Function GNU C++17 math number theory *1600 Jul/08/2021 19:29
205 C - Maximum width GNU C++17 binary search data structures dp greedy two pointers *1500 Jul/07/2021 19:53
204 B - Nastya Is Playing Computer Games GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math *1000 Jul/06/2021 18:06
203 C - Minimum Grid Path GNU C++17 brute force data structures greedy math *1500 Jul/06/2021 17:39
202 D - Phoenix and Socks GNU C++17 greedy sortings two pointers *1500 Jul/06/2021 15:43
201 B - AGAGA XOOORRR GNU C++17 bitmasks brute force dp greedy *1500 Jul/06/2021 13:23
200 C1 - Potions (Easy Version) GNU C++17 brute force data structures dp greedy *1500 Jul/06/2021 12:28
199 B - Plus and Multiply GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math number theory *1500 Jul/06/2021 04:06
198 B - Planet Lapituletti GNU C++17 brute force implementation *1300 Jul/04/2021 22:42
197 C - Fillomino 2 GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dfs and similar greedy implementation *1400 Jul/04/2021 22:05
196 B - I Hate 1111 GNU C++17 dp math number theory *1400 Jul/04/2021 21:17
195 E1 - Erase and Extend (Easy Version) GNU C++17 binary search brute force dp greedy hashing implementation string suffix structures strings two pointers *1600 Jul/04/2021 16:30
194 C - Diluc and Kaeya GNU C++17 data structures dp hashing number theory *1500 Jul/04/2021 16:08
193 C - Unstable String GNU C++17 binary search dp greedy implementation strings two pointers *1400 Jul/03/2021 21:49
192 B - Box Fitting GNU C++17 binary search bitmasks data structures greedy *1300 Jul/03/2021 13:37
191 C - Little Alawn's Puzzle GNU C++17 combinatorics dp dsu graphs math *1300 Jul/03/2021 12:48
190 D - Another Problem About Dividing Numbers GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math number theory *1700 Jul/02/2021 19:57
189 C - Number of Pairs GNU C++17 binary search data structures math two pointers *1300 Jul/02/2021 19:08
188 F - Interesting Function GNU C++17 binary search dp math number theory *1500 Jul/02/2021 18:54
187 D - PriceFixed GNU C++17 binary search greedy implementation sortings two pointers *1600 Jul/02/2021 17:27
186 C - Searching for Graph GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms graphs *1500 Jun/30/2021 18:25
185 E - Restoring the Permutation GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1500 Jun/30/2021 16:16
184 A - Great Graphs GNU C++17 constructive algorithms graphs greedy shortest paths sortings *1400 Jun/28/2021 18:15
183 B - Pleasant Pairs GNU C++17 brute force implementation math number theory *1200 Jun/25/2021 23:26
182 A - Pretty Permutations GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy implementation *800 Jun/25/2021 22:40
181 C - Swappable C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jun/22/2021 17:10
180 B - Savings C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Jun/22/2021 17:04
179 A - Maxi-Buying C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Jun/22/2021 17:00
178 A - Max Add C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jun/21/2021 16:23
177 B - Nastia and a Good Array GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math number theory *1300 May/27/2021 18:11
176 C - Sequence Pair Weight GNU C++17 hashing implementation math *1600 May/26/2021 17:32
175 B1 - Palindrome Game (easy version) GNU C++17 constructive algorithms games *1200 May/26/2021 17:06
174 D - aab aba baa C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 May/25/2021 19:03
173 C - Made Up C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 May/24/2021 19:56
172 B - 180° C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 May/24/2021 19:46
171 A - Three Dice C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 May/24/2021 19:44
170 A - And Then There Were K GNU C++17 bitmasks *800 May/22/2021 10:31
169 B - Permutation Sort GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy *900 May/17/2021 16:30
168 A - Potion-making GNU C++17 math number theory *800 May/17/2021 16:21
167 A - Sum of 2050 GNU C++17 greedy math *800 May/13/2021 14:19
166 A - Nastia and Nearly Good Numbers GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math number theory *1000 May/10/2021 20:10
165 E - Arranging The Sheep GNU C++17 greedy math *1400 May/10/2021 19:23
164 D - Same Differences GNU C++17 data structures hashing math *1200 May/10/2021 18:26
163 C - Not Adjacent Matrix GNU C++17 constructive algorithms *1000 May/10/2021 16:28
162 B - Ordinary Numbers PyPy 3 brute force math number theory *800 May/10/2021 15:48
161 A - Do Not Be Distracted! GNU C++17 brute force implementation *800 May/10/2021 15:29
160 D - Maximum Sum of Products GNU C++17 brute force dp implementation math two pointers *1600 May/08/2021 09:16
159 C - Berland Regional GNU C++17 brute force data structures greedy number theory sortings *1400 May/05/2021 16:50
158 B - The Cake Is a Lie GNU C++17 dp math *800 May/01/2021 15:27
157 A - Red and Blue Beans PyPy 3 math *800 May/01/2021 08:48
156 D - Epic Transformation GNU C++17 constructive algorithms data structures greedy *1400 Mar/26/2021 17:29
155 C - Double-ended Strings GNU C++17 brute force implementation strings *1000 Mar/25/2021 22:26
154 B - Partial Replacement GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1100 Mar/25/2021 22:03
153 A - Strange Table GNU C++17 math *800 Mar/25/2021 21:48
152 A - Basic Diplomacy GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy implementation *1600 Mar/24/2021 19:43
151 B - Digits Sequence (Hard Edition) PyPy 3 binary search divide and conquer implementation *1800 Mar/24/2021 15:50
150 E - Number With The Given Amount Of Divisors GNU C++17 brute force dp number theory *2000 Mar/10/2021 22:32
149 B - Berland Crossword GNU C++17 bitmasks brute force greedy implementation *1400 Mar/08/2021 19:52
148 C - PolandBall and Forest GNU C++17 dfs and similar dsu graphs interactive trees *1300 Feb/18/2021 19:42
147 C - Strange Birthday Party GNU C++17 brute force greedy sortings *1300 Feb/09/2021 20:49
146 B - Strange List GNU C++17 brute force greedy implementation math *1100 Feb/09/2021 20:39
145 A - Strange Partition GNU C++17 greedy math number theory *900 Feb/09/2021 19:28
144 C - Digital Graffiti C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Feb/09/2021 17:11
143 B - Remove It C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Feb/09/2021 16:35
142 A - Vanishing Pitch C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Feb/09/2021 16:33
141 A - Juggling Letters GNU C++17 greedy strings *800 Jan/27/2021 14:13
140 B - Alcoholic C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Jan/27/2021 13:00
139 A - Redundant Redundancy C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jan/27/2021 00:31
138 C - String Transformation C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jan/22/2021 23:30
137 C - Collinearity C (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jan/05/2021 11:32
136 C - Busy Robot PyPy 3 implementation *1800 Dec/30/2020 11:52
135 B - Find The Array GNU C++17 bitmasks constructive algorithms greedy *1400 Dec/29/2020 12:29
134 A - Dungeon GNU C++17 binary search math *1100 Dec/26/2020 17:39
133 F - The Treasure of The Segments GNU C++17 binary search data structures greedy *1800 Dec/24/2020 21:23
132 E2 - Close Tuples (hard version) GNU C++17 binary search combinatorics implementation math sortings two pointers *1700 Dec/22/2020 20:54
131 E1 - Close Tuples (easy version) GNU C++17 binary search combinatorics math sortings two pointers *1500 Dec/22/2020 13:19
130 D - Add to Neighbour and Remove GNU C++17 greedy math number theory *1400 Dec/22/2020 11:05
129 C - Unique Number GNU C++17 brute force greedy math *900 Dec/22/2020 10:44
128 B - Last Year's Substring GNU C++17 dp implementation strings *800 Dec/20/2020 20:28
127 A - Favorite Sequence GNU C++17 implementation two pointers *800 Dec/20/2020 20:18
126 C - Duodecim Ferra C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Dec/19/2020 23:13
125 A - ABC Preparation C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Dec/19/2020 23:01
124 B - Smartphone Addiction C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Dec/19/2020 22:59
123 B - Ringo's Favorite Numbers C (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Dec/18/2020 19:43
122 C - Ping-pong GNU C++17 constructive algorithms games math *1100 Dec/16/2020 17:55
121 B - Jumps GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math *1200 Dec/16/2020 17:38
120 D - Number into Sequence GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math number theory *1300 Dec/15/2020 20:16
119 A - Special Permutation GNU C++17 constructive algorithms probabilities *800 Dec/15/2020 14:44
118 B - Unique Bid Auction GNU C++17 implementation *800 Dec/15/2020 14:38
117 C - Sequence Transformation GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1200 Dec/14/2020 19:32
116 D - Stamp C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Dec/14/2020 15:19
115 A - Strange Functions GNU C++17 math number theory *800 Dec/14/2020 00:56
114 B - Many 110 C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Dec/11/2020 18:27
113 B - Product Max C (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Dec/05/2020 23:21
112 A - Heavy Rotation C (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Nov/29/2020 18:14
111 A1 - Binary Table (Easy Version) GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1500 Nov/27/2020 23:59
110 C - The Delivery Dilemma GNU C++17 binary search greedy sortings *1400 Nov/25/2020 21:56
109 A - Garden C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Nov/25/2020 15:40
108 A - Division GNU C++17 brute force math number theory *1500 Nov/24/2020 21:48
107 B - Toy Blocks GNU C++17 binary search greedy math sortings *1400 Nov/23/2020 22:57
106 D - Radio Towers GNU C++17 combinatorics dp math *1600 Nov/23/2020 17:57
105 E - Two Round Dances GNU C++17 combinatorics math *1300 Nov/22/2020 10:04
104 B - Barrels GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings *800 Oct/22/2020 09:50
103 C - Dominant Piranha GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy *900 Oct/21/2020 20:30
102 B - Yet Another Bookshelf GNU C++17 greedy implementation *800 Oct/21/2020 19:58
101 A - Boring Apartments GNU C++17 implementation math *800 Oct/21/2020 14:03
100 B - Various distances C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Oct/20/2020 23:38
99 A - box C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Oct/20/2020 23:31
98 A - Number of Apartments GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms math *900 Oct/14/2020 12:01
97 A - Cubes Sorting PyPy 3 math sortings *900 Sep/27/2020 18:02
96 C - Mortal Kombat Tower GNU C++17 dp graphs greedy shortest paths *1500 Sep/22/2020 22:44
95 B - Negative Prefixes GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1300 Sep/20/2020 23:16
94 A - Buying Torches GNU C++17 math *1000 Sep/20/2020 23:04
93 A - Subset Mex GNU C++17 greedy implementation math *900 Sep/14/2020 19:13
92 C - Mere Array GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math number theory sortings *1300 Sep/13/2020 21:01
91 A - Distance and Axis GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math *900 Sep/13/2020 17:01
90 B - Array Cancellation GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1000 Sep/13/2020 00:33
89 A - Permutation Forgery GNU C++17 constructive algorithms *800 Sep/10/2020 09:58
88 B - Big Vova GNU C++17 brute force greedy math number theory *1300 Sep/09/2020 22:26
87 A - Ahahahahahahahaha GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math *1100 Sep/09/2020 18:35
86 B - Ternary Sequence GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy math *1100 Sep/09/2020 02:20
85 D - Decrease the Sum of Digits GNU C++17 greedy math *1500 Sep/08/2020 20:03
84 C - Yet Another Array Restoration GNU C++17 brute force math number theory *1200 Sep/07/2020 14:56
83 D - Friends C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Sep/06/2020 22:51
82 C - Sum of product of pairs C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Sep/06/2020 22:11
81 B - Substring C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Sep/06/2020 18:57
80 A - Don't be late C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Sep/06/2020 18:39
79 B - Minimum Product GNU C++17 brute force greedy math *1100 Sep/05/2020 18:44
78 A - Yet Another Two Integers Problem GNU C++17 greedy math *800 Sep/05/2020 17:58
77 D - Binary String To Subsequences GNU C++17 constructive algorithms data structures greedy implementation *1500 Sep/05/2020 15:43
76 C - Boats Competition GNU C++17 brute force greedy two pointers *1200 Sep/05/2020 00:19
75 B - Gifts Fixing GNU C++17 greedy *800 Sep/04/2020 23:46
74 A - Remove Smallest GNU C++17 greedy sortings *800 Sep/04/2020 23:22
73 D - Alter Altar C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Aug/09/2020 16:18
72 I - Coins C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/09/2020 14:22
71 C - Good String GNU C++17 brute force dp greedy two pointers *1500 Aug/08/2020 22:01
70 B - Array Walk GNU C++17 brute force dp greedy *1600 Aug/08/2020 18:04
69 A - LCM Problem GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *800 Aug/06/2020 22:01
68 F - LCS C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/06/2020 20:51
67 B - Trained? C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Aug/06/2020 17:51
66 B - Distance C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Aug/04/2020 18:21
65 D - Caracal vs Monster C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Aug/01/2020 20:09
64 D - Div Game C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Aug/01/2020 17:37
63 H - Grid 1 C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Jul/24/2020 21:25
62 E - Knapsack 2 C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Jul/24/2020 09:38
61 D - Knapsack 1 C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Jul/24/2020 09:03
60 C - Multiplication 3 C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jul/23/2020 21:35
59 C - management C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jul/23/2020 19:31
58 B - Homework C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Jul/23/2020 19:27
57 C - Vacation C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Jul/23/2020 16:20
56 B - Frog 2 C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Jul/23/2020 13:51
55 A - Frog 1 C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Jul/23/2020 13:48
54 D - Replacing C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jul/23/2020 08:48
53 C - One Quadrillion and One Dalmatians Python (3.8.2) AtCoder *300 Jul/22/2020 22:39
52 B - Mix Juice C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Jul/22/2020 22:00
51 D - Sum of Divisors C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jul/22/2020 21:56
50 C - Tsundoku C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jul/22/2020 18:48
49 B - Minor Change C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Jul/22/2020 17:44
48 D - String Formation C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jul/22/2020 16:50
47 B - Count Balls C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Jul/22/2020 13:27
46 C - Tax Increase C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jul/22/2020 13:21
45 C - gacha C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jul/22/2020 13:05
44 D - Chat in a Circle C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jul/22/2020 12:23
43 D - RGB Triplets C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jul/21/2020 21:20
42 C - H and V C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jul/19/2020 20:02
41 B - Judge Status Summary C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Jul/19/2020 19:49
40 A - Payment C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Jul/19/2020 19:44
39 B - Battle C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Jul/18/2020 15:29
38 A - Sheep and Wolves C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Jul/18/2020 15:28
37 D - a-Good String GNU C++17 bitmasks brute force divide and conquer dp implementation *1500 Jul/18/2020 00:14
36 C - Make It Good GNU C++17 greedy *1200 Jul/17/2020 22:28
35 B - Restore the Permutation by Merger GNU C++17 greedy *800 Jul/17/2020 21:58
34 A - Three Pairwise Maximums GNU C++17 math *800 Jul/17/2020 21:48
33 C - Omkar and Baseball GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math *1500 Jul/13/2020 17:00
32 B - Omkar and Last Class of Math GNU C++17 greedy math number theory *1300 Jul/12/2020 16:58
31 A - Omkar and Completion GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *800 Jul/12/2020 16:25
30 B - Make Product Equal One GNU C++17 (64) dp implementation *900 May/07/2020 07:23
29 B - Kana and Dragon Quest game GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation math *900 Apr/24/2020 16:52
28 A - Puzzles GNU C++17 (64) greedy *900 Apr/24/2020 16:27
27 A - Display The Number GNU C++17 (64) greedy *900 Apr/24/2020 16:11
26 A - Ichihime and Triangle GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *800 Apr/17/2020 18:28
25 B - Construct the String GNU C++17 constructive algorithms *900 Apr/14/2020 09:26
24 A - Candies and Two Sisters GNU C++17 math *800 Apr/14/2020 09:11
23 C - Sum of gcd of Tuples (Easy) C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Apr/12/2020 19:10
22 B - FizzBuzz Sum C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Apr/12/2020 19:06
21 A - Lucky 7 Python (3.8.2) AtCoder *100 Apr/12/2020 19:01
20 A - Little Artem GNU C++17 constructive algorithms *1000 Apr/08/2020 23:04
19 B - Kind Anton GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1100 Apr/08/2020 22:55
18 A - Quasi-palindrome PyPy 3 brute force implementation *900 Apr/08/2020 15:40
17 B - File Name GNU C++17 greedy strings *800 Apr/05/2020 16:10
16 B - Candies Division GNU C++17 math *900 Apr/03/2020 18:55
15 A - GukiZ and Contest GNU C++17 brute force implementation sortings *800 Apr/03/2020 18:37
14 A - Arpa’s hard exam and Mehrdad’s naive cheat GNU C++17 implementation math number theory *1000 Apr/03/2020 17:06
13 B - Lecture PyPy 3 implementation strings *1000 Apr/03/2020 16:56
12 A - Raising Bacteria GNU C++14 bitmasks *1000 Apr/03/2020 13:49
11 A - Kefa and First Steps GNU C++14 brute force dp implementation *900 Apr/03/2020 13:38
10 B - Queue at the School GNU C++14 constructive algorithms graph matchings implementation shortest paths *800 Apr/02/2020 23:34
9 B - Teams Forming GNU C++14 sortings *800 Apr/02/2020 22:52
8 B - Yet Another Palindrome Problem PyPy 3 brute force strings *1100 Mar/12/2020 21:15
7 A - Yet Another Tetris Problem GNU C++17 implementation number theory *900 Mar/12/2020 20:12
6 B - Bogosort GNU C++17 constructive algorithms sortings *1000 Mar/11/2020 14:31
5 A - Even Subset Sum Problem GNU C++17 brute force dp greedy implementation *800 Mar/09/2020 13:25
4 B - Journey Planning PyPy 3 data structures sortings *1400 Mar/06/2020 11:50
3 A - Contest for Robots GNU C++17 greedy *900 Mar/01/2020 21:08
2 A - Twins GNU C++17 greedy sortings *900 Feb/28/2020 23:34
1 A - Add Odd or Subtract Even GNU C++17 greedy implementation math *800 Feb/24/2020 21:45


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