Tested on RPi3
for RuneAudio 0.3 and 0.4b (0n 0.4b - incompatible addons will be hidden)
Addons Menu for easy addons installation via RuneUI.
- It's the same as running on SSH terminal.
- Just much easier.
- Something like mini App Store or mini Play Store.
- It does nothing using zero CPU cycle unless run it from the menu.
Currently available:
- Aria2
- Backup-Restore Update
- BASH Commands
- Boot Logo
- Expand Partition
- Fonts - Extended Characters
- Library Breadcrumb
- Library Sorting
- Login Logo for SSH Terminal
- MPD Upgrade
- Rank Mirror Package Servers
- RuneUI Enhancements
- RuneUI Password
- Rune Youtube
- Samba Upgrade
- Transmission
- Webradio Import
- install / uninstall directly in RuneUI, no need for ssh terminal
- always reload list from source
- show messages during install
- installed indication
- update indication
- modular template for easy to add addon scripts from other sources
for beginners: Addons Menu Installation << click
for ssh terminal:
wget -qN --show-progress https://github.com/rern/RuneAudio_Addons/raw/master/install.sh; chmod +x install.sh; ./install.sh
get stuck?
rm /usr/local/bin/uninstall_addo.sh
redis-cli hdel addons addo
then reinstall.