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Message Pack

xxAtrain223 edited this page Mar 12, 2019 · 3 revisions

For serialization, EmbMessenger uses a modified version of MessagePack. The following table is the list of currently implemented types.

Type Byte Example Value Example Bytes
Positive FixInt 0x00 - 0x7F 42 2A
Null 0xC0 n/a C0
End Of Message 0xC1 n/a C1
Bool false 0xC2 false C2
Bool true 0xC3 true C3
Float 32 0xCA 3.14159 CA 40 49 0F D0
Error 0xCB Param Read Error 0x10 CB 10
Unsigned Int 8 0xCC 241 CC F1
Unsigned Int 16 0xCD ‭61731‬ CD F1 23
Unsigned Int 32 0xCE ‭4045620583‬ CE F1 23 45 67
Unsigned Int 64 0xCF 17375808098319191535 CF F1 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF
Signed Int 8 0xD0 -33 D0 DF
Signed Int 16 0xD1 -3805 D1 F1 23
Signed Int 32 0xD2 -249346713 D2 F1 23 45 67
Signed Int 64 0xD3 -1070935975390360081 D3 F1 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF
Negative FixInt 0xE0 - 0xFF -16 F0

EmbMessenger has placed a few restrictions on MessagePack. It will not cross signed and unsigned ints; meaning you can't write an unsigned int and read it as a signed int, and vice versa. This is to prevent possible misinterpretations of data, e.g. writing 0xBE as a uint8_t intending for it equal 190, but reading it as a int8_t, which would equal -66. EmbMessenger also does not support doubles, this is because not all microprocessors support 64-bit doubles.

EmbMessenger's implementation of MessagePack also supports minimization and expansion of ints. Writing a uint64_t that fits into a uint8_t will be sent as a uint8_t, and you can read a uint8_t into a uint64_t.



uint64_t uint64_val = 0x89;
messenger.write(uint64_val); // Writes 0xCC 0x89

int64_t int64_val = -16;
messenger.write(int64_val); // Writes 0xF0


uint64_t uint64_val;; // Reads 0xCC 0x89
// uint64_val contains 0x89

int64_t int64_val;; // Reads 0xF0
// int64_val contains -16
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