A Whatsapp's Official API helper for Golang
- Whatsapp's Official API is now generally available. To get started, you can follow this steps.
First, you need a Facebook app with the Whatsapp API activated. You can create your first app following this steps. Get the API token, either a temporal or a permanent one.
In your server you can install the module using :
go get github.com/yagizzcann/whatsapp-api-go
Now you can write code like this:
import (
Token := "YOUR_TOKEN";
api := whatsapp.API{
URI: whatsapp.DefaultURI,
Version: whatsapp.DefaultVersion,
Token: Token,
WebHookVerification:"custom webhook verify token ",
t := api.NewText("MESSAGE_CONTENT", false)
res, err := t.Send("YOUR_PHONE_ID", "TO_PHONE_NUMBER")
m := api.NewMediaLink("https://img_url", "image")
res, err := m.Send("YOUR_PHONE_ID", "TO_PHONE_NUMBER")
To recieve the post requests on message, you must setup the webhook at your Facebook app. While setting up, you will be asked a Verify Token. This can be any string you want.
The app also has a GET wizard for the webhook authentication:
cq := make(chan whatsapp.WebhookMessage, 100)
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/webhook", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { whatsapp.WebhookVerificationHandler(w, r, cq) }).Methods("GET")
r.HandleFunc("/webhook", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { whatsapp.WebhookEventHandler(w, r, cq) }).Methods("POST")
And that's it! Now you have a functioning Whatsapp Bot connected to your server.