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Merge pull request #103 from documentat/YCDOCIO-1676-mmy-mpg-sqoop
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YCDOCIO-1676 Terraform configuration files for Sqoop
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redalka-cloud authored Jun 17, 2022
2 parents 9c31508 + b8e1e9f commit 7dda4cd
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254 changes: 254 additions & 0 deletions tutorials/terraform/sqoop/
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@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
# Infrastructure for the Yandex Cloud Managed Service for MySQL® cluster.
# RU:
# Set the configuration of the Managed Service for MySQL® cluster, Managed Service for Data Proc cluster, and Virtual machine:
locals {
folder_id = "" # Your folder ID.
network_id = "" # Network ID for the Managed Service for MySQL® cluster, Data Proc cluster, and VM.
subnet_id = "" # Subnet ID (enable NAT for this subnet).
storage_sa_id = "" # Service account ID for creating a bucket in Object Storage.
data_proc_sa = "" # Set a Data Proc service account name. It must be unique in the folder.
my_cluster_version = "8.0" # Set the MySQL® version: 5.7 or 8.0.
my_cluster_db = "db1" # Set a database name.
my_cluster_username = "user1" # Set a database owner name.
my_cluster_password = "" # Set a database owner password.
vm_image_id = "" # Set a public image ID from
vm_username = "" # Set a username for VM. Images with Ubuntu Linux use the username `ubuntu` by default.
vm_public_key = "" # Set a full path to the SSH public key for VM.
bucket_name = "" # Set an Object Storage bucket name. It must be unique throughout Object Storage.
dp_public_key = "" # Set a full path to SSH public key for the Data Proc Cluster.

resource "yandex_vpc_security_group" "cluster-security-group" {
description = "Security group for the Managed Service for MySQL® cluster"
network_id = local.network_id

ingress {
description = "Allow connections to the cluster from the Internet"
protocol = "TCP"
port = 3306
v4_cidr_blocks = [""]

resource "yandex_vpc_security_group" "vm-security-group" {
description = "Security group for the VM"
network_id = local.network_id

ingress {
description = "Allow SSH connections to VM from the Internet"
protocol = "TCP"
port = 22
v4_cidr_blocks = [""]

egress {
description = "Allow outgoing connections to any required resource"
protocol = "ANY"
from_port = 0
to_port = 65535
v4_cidr_blocks = [""]

resource "yandex_vpc_security_group" "data-proc-security-group" {
description = "Security group for the Data Proc cluster"
network_id = local.network_id

ingress {
description = "Allow any incoming traffic within the security group"
protocol = "ANY"
from_port = 0
to_port = 65535
predefined_target = "self_security_group"

egress {
description = "Allow any outgoing traffic within the security group"
protocol = "ANY"
from_port = 0
to_port = 65535
predefined_target = "self_security_group"

egress {
description = "Allow connections to the HTTPS port"
protocol = "TCP"
port = 443
v4_cidr_blocks = [""]

resource "yandex_iam_service_account" "data-proc-sa" {
description = "Service account to manage the Data Proc cluster"
name = local.data_proc_sa

# Assign the `dataproc.agent` role to the service account.
resource "yandex_resourcemanager_folder_iam_binding" "dataproc-agent" {
folder_id = local.folder_id
role = "dataproc.agent"
members = [

# Assign the `dataproc.provisioner` role to the service account.
resource "yandex_resourcemanager_folder_iam_binding" "dataproc-provisioner" {
folder_id = local.folder_id
role = "dataproc.provisioner"
members = [

# Assign the `monitoring-viewer` role to the service account.
resource "yandex_resourcemanager_folder_iam_binding" "monitoring-viewer" {
folder_id = local.folder_id
role = "monitoring.viewer"
members = [

# Assign the `storage.viewer` role to the service account.
resource "yandex_resourcemanager_folder_iam_binding" "bucket-viewer" {
folder_id = local.folder_id
role = "storage.viewer"
members = [

# Assign the `storage.uploader` role to the service account.
resource "yandex_resourcemanager_folder_iam_binding" "bucket-uploader" {
folder_id = local.folder_id
role = "storage.uploader"
members = [

resource "yandex_mdb_mysql_cluster" "mysql-cluster" {
description = "Managed Service for MySQL® cluster"
name = "mysql-cluster"
environment = "PRODUCTION"
network_id = local.network_id
version = local.my_cluster_version
security_group_ids = []

resources {
resource_preset_id = "s2.micro" # 2 vCPU, 8 GB RAM
disk_type_id = "network-hdd"
disk_size = "10" # GB

database {
name = local.my_cluster_db

user {
name = local.my_cluster_username
password = local.my_cluster_password
permission {
database_name = local.my_cluster_db
roles = ["ALL"]

host {
zone = "ru-central1-a"
subnet_id = local.subnet_id

resource "yandex_compute_instance" "vm-linux" {
description = "Virtual Machine in Yandex Compute Cloud"
name = "vm-linux"
platform_id = "standard-v3" # Intel Ice Lake
zone = "ru-central1-a"

resources {
cores = 2
memory = 2 # GB

boot_disk {
initialize_params {
image_id = local.vm_image_id

network_interface {
subnet_id = local.subnet_id
nat = true # Required for connection from the Internet.

security_group_ids = [,

metadata = {
ssh-keys = "${local.vm_username}:${file(local.vm_public_key)}" # Username and SSH public key full path.

resource "yandex_iam_service_account_static_access_key" "bucket-key" {
description = "Object Storage bucket static key"
service_account_id = local.storage_sa_id

# Object Storage bucket
resource "yandex_storage_bucket" "storage-bucket" {
bucket = local.bucket_name
access_key = yandex_iam_service_account_static_access_key.bucket-key.access_key
secret_key = yandex_iam_service_account_static_access_key.bucket-key.secret_key

resource "yandex_dataproc_cluster" "my-dp-cluster" {
description = "Data Proc cluster"
depends_on = [yandex_resourcemanager_folder_iam_binding.dataproc-agent]
bucket =
name = "my-dp-cluster"
service_account_id =
zone_id = "ru-central1-a"

cluster_config {
version_id = "1.4"

hadoop {
properties = {
"" = 5
"hive:hive.execution.engine" = "mr"
ssh_public_keys = [file(local.dp_public_key)]

subcluster_spec {
name = "main"
resources {
resource_preset_id = "s2.micro" # 2 vCPU, 8 GB RAM
disk_type_id = "network-hdd"
disk_size = 20 # GB
subnet_id = local.subnet_id
hosts_count = 1

subcluster_spec {
name = "data"
role = "DATANODE"
resources {
resource_preset_id = "s2.micro" # 2 vCPU, 8 GB RAM
disk_type_id = "network-hdd"
disk_size = 20 # GB
subnet_id = local.subnet_id
hosts_count = 1

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