LUNA16 Lung Nodule Analysis
Respository containing code to port ZNet Solution to CAFFE frameowrk.
A rough list of requirements:
Python 2.7 with tqdm, pandas, numpy, scipy, scikit-image, scikit-learn, opencv2
and CAFFE.
Convert data to 1x1x1mm_512x512 slices. A requirement is also a set of segmentations of the lungs (can be found on the LUNA16 website). Place your data in folder data/original_lungs
Use script src/data_processing/
, this may take a long time (up to 24 hours) depending on your machine.
Then, download imagename_zspacing.csv
from here and put it in the data folder.
Parameter configurations is in
When training a model a folder is created in /snapshots/unet
. The folder name is the model name here. Manually look up which epoch had the lowest validation set loss and was a checkpoint.
cp -rf ./snapshots/unet_iter_311061.caffemodel_predictions/* ./results
a finalizedcandidates_unet_ALL.csv will be generated in data folder
cp ./data/finalizedcandidates_unet_ALL.csv ./csv
. ./src/data_processing/
. ./src/deep/resnet/
. ./src/deep/resnet/
The prediction CSV can then be found in the model folder. All you have to do now is combine these. You could use src/
for this, which also features some equalization of predictions of the different models.