This is a simple Flask-based CRUD application for managing a to-do list. The app allows users to:
- Add tasks
- View a list of tasks
- Update tasks
- Delete tasks
The application is deployed on Heroku.
Add Task
- Users can add tasks via an input form.
View Tasks
- All tasks are displayed in a table with their content and creation date.
Update Task
- Users can edit the content of a task.
Delete Task
- Users can delete tasks they no longer need.
Responsive Design
- Styled with Bootstrap for a clean and responsive user interface.
- Flask: Web framework for Python
- Flask-SQLAlchemy: Database ORM
- SQLite: Local development database
- Gunicorn: WSGI HTTP server for deployment
- Add user authentication.
- Add task priority levels (High, Medium, Low).
- Add task completion status.
- Implement pagination for large task lists.
Feel free to fork this repository and submit pull requests to improve the project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.