Wonderland is an up and coming pixel art based 2D action, adventure, platformer. A developer falls asleep while working and awakens inside their own game! This game has been developed for COMP602: Software Development Practice. It represents a simulation of the agile framework in a software setting.
Features of this game include:
- Fight dangerous and unforgiving monsters
- Traverse through carefully crafted dungeons and mazes
- Attack with your sword or shoot with your fireball!
- Thrilling Boss fights!
- Unity Version 2019.3.5f1
- Windows 10
- Clone the branch titled release on to your local computer
- Open this project in Unity Hub and Add the folder where release is cloned to
- Ensure the Unity Version is 2019.3.5f1 and open the project
- In Unity, Navigate to File -> Build Settings
- Ensure that the Scenes in Build match this order. Scenes can be dragged and dropped with the mouse to adjust order
- Ensure PC, Mac & Linux Standalone opetion is selected. Select Windows for Target Platform and x86_64 for Architecture. Click Build and select a folder where you would like the game to be built.
- Wait for build completion. The output folder should open automatically. You will see the following in this folder.
- Open Wonderland.exe and enjoy the game :)
+ Shahil Khan :: Product Owner || Developer
+ Aiden Kim :: Scrum Master || Developer
+ Yashjeet Bajwa :: Monster Design || Developer
+ Naera Craike :: Asset Design || Developer