Created by: Kedar Raman, Venkata Ravila, Arjun Ramesh, Yash Parakh, and Tristan McDaniel
home-Unity utilizes OmniSci’s Immerse platform to provide the City of Dallas with visualizations regarding the homelessness situation in Dallas. home-Unity uses a mobile application on the phones of homeless people that enables them to report incidents to the City of Dallas, while also anonymously, periodically reporting their location for the City to analyze. This information enables the City of Dallas to enhance policy-making to benefit the homeless by giving them real-time information regarding their whereabouts. For example, we have a map visualizing information regarding live crime reports from the application’s users, which enables the City to alert those that are close to the crime about the incident. We also have a map containing information regarding the homeless population and open shelters in the area, through which the City can visualize optimal areas for new shelters. By giving the City the ability to track the location of the people, without the homeless people having to reveal their identity, this application allows the City of Dallas to both interact with the homeless population and collect valuable insights that can be used to shape policies that affect the impoverished.
For more information on the application, visit the DevPost summary at: