Arktos-vm-runtime is a runtime service for Arktos cluster to run VM workloads.
Arktos-vm-runtime implements the extended CRI interface defined in Arktos cluster to support VM workloads. It is based on and evolved from Mirantis Virtlet project with the extension to current CRI interface implementation.
Arktos-vm-runtime extends the current CRI interfaces with initial set of methods to support VM operations, as listed below:
// RebootVM reboots the VM domain and returns error msg if there is any
RebootVM(ctx context.Context, in *RebootVMRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*RebootVMResponse, error)
// CreateSnapshot creates a snapshot of the current VM domain
CreateSnapshot(ctx context.Context, in *CreateSnapshotRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*CreateSnapshotResponse, error)
// RestoreToSnapshot restores the current VM domain to the given snapshot
RestoreToSnapshot(ctx context.Context, in *RestoreToSnapshotRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*RestoreToSnapshotResponse, error)
// AttachNetworkInterface adds new NIC to the POD-VM
AttachNetworkInterface(ctx context.Context, in *DeviceAttachDetachRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*DeviceAttachDetachResponse, error)
// DetachNetworkInterface removes a NIC to the POD-VM
DetachNetworkInterface(ctx context.Context, in *DeviceAttachDetachRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*DeviceAttachDetachResponse, error)
// ListNetworkInterfaces lists NICs attached to the POD-VM
ListNetworkInterfaces(ctx context.Context, in *ListDeviceRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListDeviceResponse, error)
Arktos supports VM workload and multiple tenants natively. As a runtime service designed to support Arktos, Arktos-vm-runtime bridges the NICs/VPCs from the Arktos node agent to the CNI, with extension to the current CRI's PodSandboxConfig with new VPC and NICs fields. Arktos runtime also retrieves information for other VM specific elements such as TTY, CloudInit etc. from the virtual machine workload definition to the underlying Libvirt component for those VM specific features.
Arktos-vm-runtime inherits Virtlet's build logic, with addition to publish the runtime docker images with specific tags. For example, the following commands will build the Arktos-vm-runtime docker image and publish it to docker repo with tag "0.5.2"
./build/ build/
./build/ publish "0.5.2"
Arktos is fully automated to use the Arktos-vm-runtime as default VM runtime service. The in the Arktos project can be used to start a onebox Arktos cluster and use Arktos-vm-runtime for VM type workload.
The Arktos-vm-runtime is still in its early stage. There are quite a few efforts planned in order to make this a complete runtime service for VM workloads.
- Support More VM actions
- Simplify the networking design
- Cleaner Interface definitions and dedicated interfaces for VM workload type
Unless specifically noted, all parts of this project are licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.