An example of how to test an Web2py Application.
I use py.test [1] to test this application, but the concept can be applied in unittest and nose, too.
Tested in Web2py v2.7.4
IMPORTANT: I recommend you work with virtualenv to give you more freedom. It's not required, but strongly recommended.
The procedure to run tests present for this application is:
Create a new virtualenv. Let's call it bla:
$ cd ~ $ mkdir -p virtualenvs/bla $ cd virtualenvs/bla $ virtualenv .
Enter into it:
$ source bin/activate
Now your prompt should look like this:
Install py.test just in your virtualenv:
$ pip install pytest
Download latest web2py stable:
$ wget
Unzip it:
$ unzip
Now you must see web2py dir created inside your current dir.
Enter into it:
$ cd web2py
Get the latest web2py.test:
$ git clone applications/people
You must see the people dir inside your applications directory.
Start Web2py development server:
$ python -a my_password --nogui &
Run tests:
$ py.test -x -v -s applications/people/tests
To understand the method used to allow running tests, refer to web2py/applications/people/tests/
Read web2py/applications/people/models/ to see how to make your application know she is running under the test environment.
Test cases are in web2py/applications/people/tests subdirs.
There are 3 important parts in this application:
- tests/ -> configure test environment.
- modules/web2pytest/ -> test infrastructure.
- models/ -> ask web2pytest about tests and create db accordingly.
Links used in this doc: