A quick next.js quick start for:
- Preact
- TypeScript
- TS-Lint
- Unit-test
- Path alias
- Stylus (CSS-Preprocessor)
- Github Action
Used preact/compat
instead of react. Also 100% configured with next.js, you can use any React-supported library.
Path alias is configured at next.config.js, .babelrc and tsconfig.json.
- next.config.js - Next build time, dev environment.
- .babelrc - dev environment and test suite.
- tsconfig.json - IDE hint, path intellisense and dev environment.
List of path aliased.
- pages - pages
- public - ~
- fonts - public/fonts
- images - public/images
- styles - public/styles
- components - components
- libs - libs
- pageTypes - pageTypes
- stores - stores
- layouts - layouts
Test suite is set up with jest.
- tests - Contains test file.
- mocks - Mockup file like | (css|styl|.scss|.less) is set. (Can be changed at
Run once pull requst is created. Test all code coverage including:
- Type
- Lint
- Test