Scrapes daily fund prices from a HTML file and writes it to an existing excel file (xls format)
How to Use (Instructions for Mozilla Firefox):
- Go to
- Right click, view source.
- Select all of source code, copy onto notepad
- Save notepad as a HTML file called 'webpage.html', in the same directory as
- Make sure the Excel file is named 'toUpdate.xls'
- Run
- Updated Excel file will be named 'Updated.xls'
*Note: This method was only tested in Mozilla Firefox. It may differ using other web browsers.
Final update pushed on 02.08.2018. Project will no longer be updated as target machine does not support Python.
April 2021 UPDATE: Target machine now supports Python. Website to be scraped has also changed, prompting a new version of FundPricesUpdater. Old version is left up for posterity. Now supports stock index scraping, and automatic web scraping (html file had to be saved manually in previous version of FundPricesUpdater
21 May 2021: Added calculation of daily trend for market indices