This project explores data related to bike share systems for three major cities in the US (Chicago, New-York and Washington). The data is provided by 'Motivate', a bike share service provider in major cities in the US.
-Start Time (e.g., 2017-01-01 00:07:57)
-End Time (e.g., 2017-01-01 00:20:53)
-Trip Duration (in seconds - e.g., 776)
-Start Station (e.g., Broadway & Barry Ave)
-End Station (e.g., Sedgwick St & North Ave)
-User Type (Subscriber or Customer)
The Chicago and New York City files also have the following two columns:
-Birth Year
-most common month
-most common day of week
-most common hour of day
-most common start station
-most common end station
-most common trip from start to end (i.e., most frequent combination of start station and end station)
-total travel time
-average travel time
-counts of each user type
-counts of each gender (only available for NYC and Chicago)
-earliest, most recent, most common year of birth (only available for NYC and Chicago)
The project takes input from the user about the city, month, day of week and computes the statistics for it.