Parser for programming language based on syntax-directed translation scheme, implemented using Lex and Yacc.
The parser generates Java assembly code, which can then be translated to Java bytecode by Jasmin and run on Java Virtual Machine.
Assembly code is generated along with warning messages for semantic errors, if any. The parser terminates immediately when a syntax error is found.
Generate parser using Lex and Yacc.
$ make
Compile source code using parser.
$ ./parser code.p
Convert to Java bytecode using Jasmin.
$ java -jar jasmin-2.4/jasmin.jar code.j
Run the program.
$ java code
Remove temporary files.
$ make clean
$ rm code.j code.class
Declarations for global/local variables and constants
Arithmetic and boolean expressions
Print statements
Read statements
Compound statements
If statements and for/while loops
Procedure declarations and invocations