Simple extension to log every change made to any model.
Install via composser
composer require yepes/yii2-model-log-behavior
Apply migrations:
./yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/yepes/yii2-model-log-behavior/migrations
Configure the behavior
public function behaviors()
return [
In the model, just define an attribute $logIgnoredAttributes which is an array of string, representings the properties you wish to ignore.
public $logIgnoredAttributes = ['attribute1', 'attribute2'];
If $logIgnoredAttributes is not defined, every attribute will be logged.
To ignore the creation of a log line, simply add ignoreLog in your model and set it to true:
Your model:
public $ignoreLog = false;
Your action you don't want to log:
$myModel->ignoreLog = true;
Right now, logs are just saved in the database, in a table named goltratec_log
Maybe we should:
- create a simple UI to view the logs.
- some method to view the log of a particular model.
- some way to restore a model to a particular log.