Thank you for visiting this repository. This project proposes Aspect-guided multi-view interactions and fusion network (AMIFN) [paper]
- Twitter datasets : the processed pkl files are in floder
data/Sentiment_Analysis/twitter2015: Text data from the twitter2015 dataset
data/Sentiment_Analysis/twitter2017: Text data from the twitter2017 dataset
data/Twitter_image/twitter2015_images: Image data from the twitter2015 dataset
data/Twitter_image/twitter2017_images: Image data from the twitter2017 dataset
- Generate train.pkl dev.pkl test.pkl (look at the file DataProcessor)
- Generate train.graph dev.graph test.graph (look at the file DataProcessor)
- The original tweets, images and sentiment annotations can be downloaded from []
- Download the pre-trained ResNet-152 via this link (,rename to resnet152.pth and put the pre-trained ResNet-152 model under the folder './resnet/resnet"
- Download roberta-base
- torch
- transformers
- tqdm
Note that you should use your own data path. data_dir imagefeat_dir
- Most of the codes are based on the codes provided by huggingface.
- Some code is based on the code of ITM many thanks! ITM