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tileblaster is a versatile caching proxy server for map tiles. it can handle many different tile sources and file formats and can optimise tiles on the fly and speed up delivery by acting as a cache.

Awesome things you can do with tileblaster

  • Serve tiles from any ZXY/TMS tileserver, VersaTiles container, pmtiles container or mbtiles database.
  • Edit vector tiles on the fly with Vector Tile Transformer
  • Optimize raster tiles with mozjpeg / optipng, convert them to webp / aviv format on the fly or edit them with sharp.
  • Precompress tiles with gzip and brotli
  • Cache remote files locally

and much more

What tileblaster isn't

tileblaster is not a tileserver, it does not read raw OpenStreetMap data or create map tiles from scratch; you need to have a source for map tiles. You can of course use tools like tilemaker to create your own tilesets, use freely available ready-made tiles from Versatiles or use another tileserver if you're allowed to do so.


npm i -g tileblaster


tileblaster [options] [-c] config.js


  • -c --config <config.js> - load config file
  • -p --port <[host:]port> - listen on this port (overrides config)
  • -s --socket <socket[,mode,gid]> - on this socket (overrides config)
  • -t --threads <num> - number of threads (overrides config)
  • -h --help - print help screen
  • -v --verbose - enable debug output
  • -q --quiet - disable debug output


See Configuration and Examples


tileblaster supports plugins. They work just like builtins, but you can specify them in config.plugins

Example Plugin


tileblaster is easy to use with nginx acting as a reverse proxy. Here is a simple example:

upstream tileblaster {
	# server unix:/path/to/tileblaster.socket; # ← if you use sockets

server {

	# ...

	location /tileblaster { # ← set config.server.mount to the same path
		proxy_set_header Host $host;
		proxy_set_header Origin $http_origin;
		proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding $http_accept_encoding;
		proxy_set_header Accept-Language $http_accept_language;
		proxy_set_header Accept $http_accept;
		proxy_set_header If-Modified-Since $http_if_modified_since;
		proxy_set_header If-None-Match $http_if_none_match;
		proxy_http_version 1.1;
		proxy_pass http://tileblaster;


Optional Dependencies

tileblaster has a few optional dependencies, that are mostly used for image manilulation and optimisation (Sharp, MozJPEG, OptiPNG) or more complex tile sources (Versatiles, PMTiles, MBTiles).

If you don't need them, install tileblaster with npm i -g tileblaster --no-optional

