Minor fix phpdoc #3117
5 errors
src/Debug/DatabaseCollector.php:70:9: PropertyTypeCoercion: $this->queries expects 'array<string, array{actions: array<string, mixed>, line: string, params: array<array-key, mixed>, rawSql: string, rowNumber: int, sql: string, status: string, transactionId: int}>', parent type 'non-empty-array<string, array{actions: non-empty-array<string, mixed>, line: string, params: array<array-key, mixed>, position?: int, rawSql: string, rowNumber?: int, sql: string, status: string, transactionId: int}>' provided (see https://psalm.dev/198)
src/Debug/DatabaseCollector.php:94:9: PropertyTypeCoercion: $this->queries expects 'array<string, array{actions: array<string, mixed>, line: string, params: array<array-key, mixed>, rawSql: string, rowNumber: int, sql: string, status: string, transactionId: int}>', parent type 'non-empty-array<string, array{actions: array<int|string, array{action: "query.end", time: float}|mixed>, line: string, params: array<array-key, mixed>, rawSql: string, rowNumber: int, rowsNumber?: int, sql: string, status: string, transactionId: int}>' provided (see https://psalm.dev/198)
src/Debug/DatabaseCollector.php:109:9: PropertyTypeCoercion: $this->queries expects 'array<string, array{actions: array<string, mixed>, line: string, params: array<array-key, mixed>, rawSql: string, rowNumber: int, sql: string, status: string, transactionId: int}>', parent type 'non-empty-array<string, array{actions: array<int|string, array{action: "query.error", time: float}|mixed>, exception?: Throwable, line: string, params: array<array-key, mixed>, rawSql: string, rowNumber: int, sql: string, status: string, transactionId: int}>' provided (see https://psalm.dev/198)
src/Debug/DatabaseCollector.php:123:9: PropertyTypeCoercion: $this->transactions expects 'array<int, array{actions: array<string, mixed>, exception: Throwable|null, id: int, level: null|string, line: string, position: int, status: string}>', parent type 'non-empty-array<int, array{actions: non-empty-array<string, mixed>, exception?: Throwable|null, id: int, level: null|string, line: string, position: int, status: string}>' provided (see https://psalm.dev/198)
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