This repository adapts the ORB-SLAM library for pose estimation on the AR-Drone. Scale estimation for the monocular slam process is generated by comparing the ORB-SLAM pose estimate with the altitude estimate published in the /ardrone/navdata topic. There is also efficient collision checking functionality for the point cloud generated by ORB-SLAM.
The goal of this project is to provide an easy-to-use testbed for motion planning and control research using the AR-Drone
This is the driver for sending velocity commands from a computer to the AR-Drone and receiving sensor data via wifi connection. It is cloned from the git repo:
This is repo contains a simple keybord controller for manual flight. It is cloned from:
This is the SLAM library that is used for mapping and localization. It is cloned from the git repo:
You will have to follow the setup and compilation instructions in the readme for this package carefully. This includes downlaod and installation of these dependencies:
OpenCV. BSD license.
Eigen3. For versions greater than 3.1.1 is MPL2, earlier versions are LGPLv3.
and probably some more dependent on your system.
This package is the adaptor for the ORB_SLAM2 library into the ROS catkin framework. The settings.yaml file in this package contains camera calibration parameters for the AR-Drone camera.
This package contains a collision detection function that organizes the ORB-SLAM point cloud into a kd-tree for efficient distance querries between the ardrone and obstacles detected by ORB-SLAM
Robot Operating System (ROS): ROS
Open Computer Vision (OpenCV): OpenCV
Eigen3: Eigen
Pangolin: Pangolin
- You should create a local catkin workspace for the packages. Wherever you will have the top level directory run:
mkdir ardrone_ws
cd ardrone_ws
mkdir src
cd src
- Clone the project into /ardrone_ws/src/
cd ardrone_ws/src/
git clone [email protected]:idsc-frazzoli/ardrone_testbed.git
- Compile ORB_SLAM2 (after installing its dependancies: Eigen3, OpenCV, Pangolin):
cd ardrone_ws/src/ORB_SLAM2
chmod +x
- Initialize the catkin_workspace and compile the project:
cd /ardrone_ws/src/
cd /ardrone_ws/
source devel/setup.bash
- Connect to the AR-DRone:
Plug in the AR-Drone and connect to it via Wifi from the computer you plan to run the project from.
- Launch everything:
roslaunch main.launch
- To fly the drone with the keyboard drive:
-Put the cursor over the QT gui that pops up for keyboard drive node
Emergency shutdown: Space Bar
Takeoff: Y
Land: H
Up: Q
Down: A
Turn Left: W
Turn Right: R
Move Left: S
Move Right: F
Forward: E
Backward: D
Scale estimation is based on vertical motion so in the first few seconds of flight, flying the AR-Drone vertically will lead to a good scale estimate.