An official source code for paper Language-Aware Code Representation Learning for Multilingual Code Understanding.
The proposed LAMCode is implemented with python 3.7.11 on a NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU.
- torch==1.5.0
- tqdm==4.62.2
- numpy==1.19.5
- scikit_learn==0.24.2
- Step1: data preparation
data link (mixed dataset):
NL Code Search:
XL Code Search:
other single data link:
Download the data folders, unzip them, and put them directly in the 'nl2codesearch/dataset/program_level/' or 'code2codesearch/dataset/program_level/' directory.
Step2: train
bash 0 all nl2code program codebert train
Step3: test
bash 0 java code2code program codebert eval
Parameter setting
- GPU: 0
- Language: all
- task: nl2code
- model: codebert
- type: train